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Its A Good Thing Loving Dog Owners Are Not Prone To Holding Grudges...


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My Rosie is passionate when it comes to who can walk on the footpath: shes not biased, NOBODY can walk on the footpath out front. Ok kids let her in house for a while (rental nono) and I get home from work to a shred curtain. Yes they were old n brittle and the landlord was not going to do anything... So now I need to replace them. Three windows across the front of the house = cheapest 110.00.

It made me think of the forum topic 'its a good thing dogs dont hold grudges, but I think in defense...we owners are very forgiving too. Im sure there are many stories out there of forgiveness.

Edited by redangel
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My Rosie is passionate when it comes to who can walk on the footpath: shes not biased, NOBODY can walk on the footpath out front. Ok kids let her in house for a while (rental nono) and I get home from work to a shred curtain. Yes they were old n brittle and the landlord was not going to do anything... So now I need to replace them. Three windows across the front of the house = cheapest 110.00.

It made me think of the forum topic 'its a good thing dogs dont hold grudges, but I think in defense...we owners are very forgiving too. Im sure there are many stories out there of forgiveness.

Does it count that I forgave my Great Dane eating my $3000 dinning room table???? :rofl:

It was a square one, now it is round... :rofl:

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Hmmm no bedknobs on my bed anymore, no corners on any timber furniture, no knobs on drawers, three lounge suites chewed apart and spread across the yard, numerous electrical cords to heaters, vaporisers, etc chewed through. I have a huge book collection which I am used to be possessive of. Now I lose one to two books a week to whomever decides they need to chew doggy read one. **sigh**

I have one dog (bitch) who continually kills my pillows (on two occassions she has done this the day I bought them :rofl: ). I now just collect the stuffing and put it inside a pillowcase to make a new pillow (until she kills it again). :rofl:

I am fostering a kelpie here atm for AWDRI. She has a broken leg and has been confined now for about 8 weeks. In order to keep her amused I have coped with all the blankets she pulls through crates, etc during the day and I now specifically put a sheet there to keep her busy during the day. She has lots of other things to amuse her but this is her fav activity. She has also eaten her jammies.

I have chew marks on most of my architraves or whatever the wooden bits around doors and floors are called. It would appear they are optional for houses but essential for cleaning doggy teeth.

Shall I continue.....

And yet I love em all and will continue bringing em in.

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yes like the ds cord the matian ate..... measurement left it laying about...

toilet rolls that have turned to snow...

so as a nice doggie owner i let him have old horse hoof inside to chew.... yes this is disgusting, the OH never lets me forget it, but the dog has not chewed anything since i started this..

oh and the kitchen door has scratch marks on it... as they all try to dig there way inside.

the crate that takes up the left over space in my lounge...

the million accidents he had the first few days here, as he had a kidney infection.... thanks doggie... :rofl:

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... all the newly planted geraniums - only because we would not play ball, toilet paper confetti, newspaper confetti, pillow confetti, Iron chord, computer chord, power drill chord (OH not happy about that!!) many holes in new and old socks, many single socks, some crutchless underwear that are definately not a turn on.... need I sat any more.

As I gaze upon this little 4 legged cherub asleep on the couch ... I wonder how he has lived this long!!.

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