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Walking With Other Dogs


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Sorry, another pulling topic!

We have two dogs, a 5 year old who is 37kg and a 6 month old puppy who is 17kg. Our older dog walks ok on leash, he walks in front but doesn't pull.

When I walk the puppy by herself, she's great - always checks in, trots along beside me (still gets distracted but I can easily get her attention most of the time). We go to obedience classes where she breezes through the loose leash walking course. She can also heel for short distances by herself. As soon as we try to walk her with our other dog, she becomes a steam train! It seems like it is just the sheer excitement of walking with her pack, as she just adores our other dog.

We have been trying "being a tree" but we don't seem to be getting anywhere. It really confuses our older dog stopping and starting all the time, and the puppy doesn't seem to be "getting it" even though she's a really intelligent little girl. She doesn't seem to want to be in front, if we walk her in front of him, she still pulls.

At the moment we don't have much choice but to walk them together before work for a few reasons. They still get separate walking time, just not in the mornings. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to teach loose leash walking while another dog is around? :p

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your dogs walk ahead, you have broken her pattern of understanding with you. You teach her to walk beside you, then you let the other dog out in front WOWEEEEE what fun lets go go go! One dog on either side, correct for pulling with a corrective collar or if you use head collars mm use that if someone has shown you the right technique. No one walks on until EVERYONE is quiet and calm, and by calm that is not dog is a sit vibrating like a mobile phone and whining its head off. A great way is one person per dog if you can manage it, then you can correct the dog that is doing the pulling.

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Thanks Nekhbet. My dogs do walk ahead, but I'm happy for them to do so. She's allowed to walk ahead when she's on her own as well, as long as she's not pulling.

They're both on flat collars at the moment, I don't know the correct technique for corrective collars :p

I'd like to do one person per dog but I've had knee surgery and can't walk them at the moment (OH's job). I will definitely try that when I'm out and about again.

Edited by wuffles
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why dont you use a martingale collar on her? you can give a slight correction if she starts to pull or apply pressure which you release when she settles. Even on a flat collar a sharp short tug like a correction can be applied just at the point where you feel some tension on the lead


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