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My Dog Pees Everywhere Is That Normal?

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ok so he is desexed and whenever i take him anywhere the first thing he does is walk around the place and cock his leg and pee on everything. for eg at the dog park he does the perimiter then he will look at other dogs, if we go to friends houses he will go around and pee everywhere outside (fully cock his leg)

he has also started to do it on other pples outdoor furniture...

I was recently told that a nervous dog will cock his leg everwhere as my boy does, is this true? does anyone know how i can stop this behaviour?

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keep him on lead or keep an eye on him. If you see him go to mark, AHH NO. If he continues you need to rethink your level of verbal control. He's simply asserting himself in his new surroundings, I have a bitch that does the same thing but if I tell her enough she will stop it

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time outs are no point. I dont bother with them, it teaches the dog little. He is allowed to sniff about he just cannot pee everywhere. So when you see him going to cock his leg (or assuming the about to pee position LOL) just go AHH NO to prevent him doing it. If he continues get up and correct him with his collar or put him on lead with you so you can control him. He had his moment of freedom, he stuffed up, privelage gone.

Edited by Nekhbet
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I do know nervous dogs that cock their leg quite a lot, and I've noticed once they settle down they do it much less often.

Maybe this is a little crazy... But have you thought about putting it on cue? Maybe if he gets the okay to do it a little bit that will do him. Another slightly crazy idea... Have you ever done the perimeter with him to see if he cocks less if you are right by him?

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Personally I'd not be discouraging that first leg cock outside when you go somewhere.

Constant marking or marking inside however :)

Sounds more like dominant territory marking (or overmarking) than nerves to me. Do you do any training with this dog?

Edited by poodlefan
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yes he is very well trained...he doesnt cock inside just outside and on outside furniture, i guess he figures its outside...:/ no i have never done the perimeter with him

so poodlefan do you think i should allow a couple and then put a stop to it?

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I had a dog that had this exact same problem except that it got worse and he started marking inside the house too. I just changed tactics and made sure I rewarded as often as I could when he was peeing in the right spot with some really yummy treats. Also every time he went to pee inside or somewhere inappropriate I would remind him with an 'aahhh hhaaa' and take him to the right spot.

WELL... it almost worked! Whilst he never actually pees anywhere inappropriate anymore, he will still cock his leg and pretend :)

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good question poodle fan...maybe he thinks himself equal? i try to walk through doors first..but dont always and everynight he gets a cuddle on the bed sometimes he lies on top of me (he isnt allowed on the bed till given the ok) so he has boundaries and rules and is pretty well trained in tricks and some agility etc.. but do you think he might see himself as equal?

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nervous or not it's an unwanted behavior. If he is a nervous dog then teach him to come sit by you quietly when he feels unsure. I teach all dogs to come to me if they feel unsure, frightened etc they are to look to me for behavioral cue about how I want them to act and what is going on and not simply take it upon them to do whatever they feel like.

As for doors etc my lot can go through before me, its easier especially with hands full of bags. Just attach a command to it (I do in/out etc) As for the bed stacks on is a totally normal dog thing. Just be wary if when told to get off he refuses, that is more of a signal of relationship problems then cuddling up to you to sleep

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ok so with the bed he does lie there for a bit sometimes if he doesnt want to get off...but he never wins he always ends up off when i ask...

ok so i took him for a walk today and everytime he cocked his leg i said "too bad" that is his you stuffed up cue then i put his halti on (i always put it on when he misbehaves...else he doesnt wear it) so by the end of the walk he was walking by my side perfectly

my next question he normally poos on the walk..but today he didnt will he stop pooing on the walks all together and peeing? i want him to pee like a girl and pooing is ok with me...but will he do that or cease altogether? is this gonna teach him to not pee in front of me?

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some dogs will no longer squat they need to pee cocking their leg like my boys do. I let them pee on cue if it's a genuine need, if they're stuffing about I call them off and we keep walking. I let them have an opportunity for a sniff and a pee during the walks too.

ok so i took him for a walk today and everytime he cocked his leg i said "too bad" that is his you stuffed up cue then i put his halti on (i always put it on when he misbehaves...else he doesnt wear it) so by the end of the walk he was walking by my side perfectly

You're confusing me! Just tell him no if it's a marking pee and keep walking. IF he looks like he needs toilet then give him a cue that he can sniff about and do his business but I wouldnt be using a piece of equipment as a sort of chastisement. Either use the halti all the time or dont bother.

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sorry im really confused, normally on a walk he will stop to pee and poo then he will go to pee on trees etc and i can tell him to leave it. so is that all ok? soon as i let him off leash anywhere he runs around sniffing and cocking on everything. is that when i should be telling him off? or does it really not matter?

should i just be telling him off when we go to friends houses and he goes to pee on outdoor furniture? (its not all the time either)

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I don't see peeing at the park off lead as a problem. If he was on lead and I was trying to walk I would put a stop to it. I have a command already for toileting, so I would let them off, give them the toilet command, then put them back on lead and walk - or mine will toilet on lead on command.

I would not let him pee all over outdoor furniture or on doorways and things because it stinks and someone has to sit in those chairs - yuk. I would not be happy if someone dog came to my house and peed all over my outdoor area/furniture.

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