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Photographers At Shows


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True Ashnali re insurance - I was just meaning Joe Bloggs who was standing ring side with their camera.

A prudent professional photographer would have appropriate PL insurance especially if they are using human subjects.

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I was about to come back and correct those who thought that the Insurance was unnecessary, however I see this has been answered correctly by some knowledgeable posters.

Here is an extract from the site telling you all about the Personal Indemnity Insurance:

"that takes a fee for service and delivers a product that a client relies upon is a candidate for professional indemnity insurance.

What typically does a professional indemnity insurance policy cover?

Professional indemnity insurance basically insures you against your skill. Some clients may have made a financial loss from you services to them. Professional indemnity insurance covers you for any legal costs that may arise from the client filing a lawsuit against you. You are also covered for any potential compensation in the event of losing the lawsuit."

If you are receiving Centrelink payments and taking money for photos the Dept are looking to catch up with you - this includes any revenue not declared. I was not making any judgements just emparting the warning as there are currently doggy people being investigated - including amateur photographers.

My career was involved with Finance and Insurance (I retired 18 months ago) so I am reasonably up to date with this sort of thing. The laws have changed (due to the AML) and things are much stricter now.


Edited by Bohunt
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Even if the VCA didn't expect public liability insurance you would be mad not to have it as one accident and you could loose everything. If I went to a show with the intention of taking photos for sale I would definately contact the committee for approval first, they could already have someone organised.

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