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Anyone Up For Signitures/banners?


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Hey guys! How are all you DOLers going tonight? :driving:

I'm just sitting here bored and watching House lol. :driving:

So to relieve my boredom I thought I'd take some banner/signature requests. :rolleyes:

Do any of you want me to make you one of your dogs?

➜ Post/or message me a couple of pictures (preferably large-sized if you can but it doesn't matter) of your dogs

➜ Include their names

➜ Any other specifics, like if you want me to make it a specific colour, width, or if you want a fancy, or plain one

I'd be more then happy to try and make them. :cry: I made my one (below) but it was just a quick 5 minute one, not to mention the colours are probably awful. :D

Question: Where are your dogs currently/what are they doing? Both of mine are in the loungeroom with my dad in front of the warm heater. :thumbsup:

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Hey guys! How are all you DOLers going tonight? :driving:

I'm just sitting here bored and watching House lol. :D

So to relieve my boredom I thought I'd take some banner/signature requests. :driving:

Do any of you want me to make you one of your dogs?

➜ Post/or message me a couple of pictures (preferably large-sized if you can but it doesn't matter) of your dogs

➜ Include their names

➜ Any other specifics, like if you want me to make it a specific colour, width, or if you want a fancy, or plain one

I'd be more then happy to try and make them. :cry: I made my one (below) but it was just a quick 5 minute one, not to mention the colours are probably awful. :D

Question: Where are your dogs currently/what are they doing? Both of mine are in the loungeroom with my dad in front of the warm heater. :thumbsup:

Hi Haylz27 :rolleyes:

Right now my dogs are play fighting in the kitchen!

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Hi Haylz :driving:

If you're interested, theres a thread on signature making with a few people in need of them! My computer has had a meltdown or I'd be doing them :thumbsup:

I'm sure they would love you to drop by :cry:


Can't answer your question, I have no dogs :driving: haha

Oh sorry, I didn't see it. :D I'll leave this thread up until I log on tomorrow and then head on over to the other one. :rolleyes:

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Ohh could you pretty please make me one??? Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!

Do you need me to send files or can you go to these links for the photos?


I am not artistic so would be THRILLED with anything your artistic eye desires!

Their names are Bubby & Bitty.

Right now they are asleep at my feet!

Sure! :thumbsup: The link is fine. They are so adorable. But which one is Bubby and which one is Bitty? :cry:

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Sure! ;) The link is fine. They are so adorable. But which one is Bubby and which one is Bitty? :eek:

Ohhh THANK YOU a thousand times!!!!! :(

Bubby is the boy (big one) and Bitty is the baby girl!

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