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Bring Lab Puppy Home From The Breeder


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Hi there

My husband and I have just bought our first dog together, a chocolate labrador. We met her two weeks ago and pick her up in 12 days (and counting!) when she's 8.5 weeks old. I'm wondering how to get her home in the car safely. Her breeder is about an hour drive away. I'd like to get a harness but I don't know if this will stress her out or what size to get... any suggestions would be really appreciated. Thanks :thumbsup:

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You are both going to collect her? Put her on a couple of towels in the passenger foot well and the passenger can control her. Or if you are intending to crate train her and it will fit in the car, bringing her home in her crate is a safer option.

IMO sticking a puppy in a harness is something you need to introduce much more slowly and carefully if you intend to use this method for the rest of her life.

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putting a harness on a baby puppy , and then putting her in a car - in strange surroundings is probably not a wise move :) I agree with Sandra- but would suggest the back seat/footwell. MUCH less danger of a wriggling /jumping/vomiting puppy being a distraction/impediment to the driver!! :)

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I'll disagree (well only based on our experience) - we were recommended to start as we intended to continue with so we've put both our GSP puppies in car harness's from the first day home (about 18mths apart not at the same time) - first time in harnesses for both of them .... we bought the Kramer size small for them and found this worked just fine for the first 2 weeks .... we put them on the back seat, they had a bed, a blanket and a few soft toys and both slept all the way home - there were a couple of moments of whines but they calmed down quickly .... the trip for both was about 2 - 2.5hrs home and they were just fine ...

We liked the harness idea so they were secure (in case of an accident) and we don't crate them in the car (not enough room) as adults so they travel on the backseat in harnesses ....

Edited by FionaC
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I just put pup on my lap with some towels.....towels needed as he puked and peed on me.

There is an article on K9Pro that goes over this topic and suggests not putting the put on your lap or in a crate.

mmm I can't find the article though, from memory it was something like the lap is too warm and can make the pup sick and that's not a good experience and not to use the crate as you're taking the pup away from the only life it knows and you don't want to give the crate a bad name so to speak already.

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Thanks everyone for your responses :laugh: I think I'll try and put her on the floor between my legs. I've only read a bit about crates and don't think I'm ready to entertain that idea just yet.

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Guest belgian.blue

On my lap while someone else drove .. he snuggled and went to sleep.

Wrapped on a thick towel as he was cold from the flight over.

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You are both going to collect her? Put her on a couple of towels in the passenger foot well and the passenger can control her. Or if you are intending to crate train her and it will fit in the car, bringing her home in her crate is a safer option.

IMO sticking a puppy in a harness is something you need to introduce much more slowly and carefully if you intend to use this method for the rest of her life.

Under the breeders suggestion we also brought our last pup home this way - she continued to sit in the front floor well until she was big enough to go in the back of the wagon (then if you want you can use a harness) The advantage to sitting in the floor well is she can see you (and you can see her) if you stop suddenly she won't get thrown too far and if it's hot you can direct the air onto the pup :laugh:

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We picked up Emmy from VIC and we are from NSW... about 11 hours drive.

I put her little blanket on the passenger side foot rest (this was where she was majority of the car ride)


the harness and booster chair (she enjoyed looking outside of the window and she didn't mind the harness at all)



but, of course, part of the trip she was in my arms too


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I had a crate secured in the back of my car for my pup's trip home. He used the crate in the car until he out grew it and is now in a harness.

My pup was a stinker when I got him off the plane ... so I was thankful for the crate :laugh:

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