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Well done. You are not paranoid, you are just taking the necessary precautions.

Whew! Thanks GardenofEden, glad to hear I'm not being paranoid. I moved to the city from the country about 3 months ago and it was a shock to discover there's hardly any neighbourly spirit here (hence the reason for all the locks!) :cry:

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Wow, that is definitely a scary situation. I'm just glad your dog wasn't hurt and that your neighbour was kind enough to catch him.

For all you know, it could have been someone that was trying to steal him. It might not have been your landlord so I definitely think you should find out to be on the safe side.

And yes... Paddocks sound like a great idea. Our gate is locked so no one can get in, it's almost impossible to open.

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Borzois are such a striking breed, you might want to be careful that it isn't your pup itself that they were checking out. I don't want to be a scare monger but it just occurred to me reading this thread.

Its a possibility. Everyone in town loves him and knows who his owner is so i'd hope that a possibly thief would think twice about doing it as they'd get found out pretty quick.

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GLad your dog is OK. I rented for years so understand it can be a pain. Maybe it was just friends of the last home dwellers - that happened to me recently.

I lock my gates, all 3 of them to avoid any local kids just letting them out for fun let alone tradies etc.

Chocolate - I don't think it is unreasonable to leave your pets at home. These days if the neighbour isn't a friend, there are companies run by experienced doggie people who will look after/check your pets.

The dogs are sometimes happier at home. Mine would be as safe as they are each day I go to work, locked up and also by doggie door have access to the house. I don't know if I would do it for 6 weeks as mine would miss human interaction even if it is kennel staff.

I don't leave mine as they go most places with me ( and worried they would bark at night). However the cat was always home cared. And once years ago the dogs stayed home over 2 days and I paid a friend to walk them for me as well.

Sorry OT and just another view.

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Lock your gates, kennel your dog or have him cared for by family at their place if someone can't stay over.

I'd rather have mine under the supervision of someone while I'm away. Personally I think its too big an ask to have someone come in just to feed them.

I also think the dog would do better with some sort of company. While he may be locked inside at night, you aren't there and that's not a great situation for any dog IMO.

Edited by poodlefan
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Lock your gates, kennel your dog or have him cared for by family at their place if someone can't stay over.

I'd rather have mine under the supervision of someone while I'm away. Personally I think its too big an ask to have someone come in just to feed them.

I also think the dog would do better with some sort of company. While he may be locked inside at night, you aren't there and that's not a great situation for any dog IMO.

He was under supervision through the day as my mother in law has a view of our yard. Is it really better to have him stay in an unknown environment where he doesn't know the people(kennel or friends). Sure he'd be 'secure' but he'd be wondering where the hell he was. I've worked in a kennel, i know what it can be like. So given his current fear period i believed it was the best option. If it was for more than 2 nights i would have considered another option.

Point of the matter is that us being away had nothing to do with the incident. If i had dropped the kids off for school on friday and then gone shopping the incident still could have occurred.

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pixie-meg - You did the right thing and other people can have their opinion that fine, but if it was me, I would not have put my dog in a kennel for 2 days. Is it worth the stress its going to cause him for 2 days? I don't think so.

Your boy is absolutely beautiful by the way!

Any updates on this matter? Have you asked the real estate agent?

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pixie-meg - You did the right thing and other people can have their opinion that fine, but if it was me, I would not have put my dog in a kennel for 2 days. Is it worth the stress its going to cause him for 2 days? I don't think so.

Your boy is absolutely beautiful by the way!

Any updates on this matter? Have you asked the real estate agent?

The realestate say its not the landlord. They are thankfully a thousand kms away.

When i went to sleep the night i got home(after i posted) i found that the back gate was banging about. I couldn't sleep so its possible the neighbour couldn't sleep and came around to try to fix it. It is fixed now.

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Borzois are such a striking breed, you might want to be careful that it isn't your pup itself that they were checking out. I don't want to be a scare monger but it just occurred to me reading this thread.

This is what I thought they were after - explains why they tried to catch him. I'm assuming he isn't desexed yet?

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My two Rottweilers were stolen from my backyard so I am padlocks all the way now. I have also built a separate gate at the back end of the driveway so they can't be seen from the street.

The police said they were probably stolen for breeding or dog fighting, apparently they had had heaps of reports. Fortunately both dogs are desexed and soft as butter.

A man rang me two days later after finding my number on the pound lost dogs website. They were about 20km away and had just been dumped on the side of the road.

They were having a lovely time running around and didn't know what all the fuss was about. :rofl:


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Borzois are such a striking breed, you might want to be careful that it isn't your pup itself that they were checking out. I don't want to be a scare monger but it just occurred to me reading this thread.

That was the first thing I thought of.

My friend saw a guy hanging around her street on and off for a few days.

She then went into the newsagent for 3 seconds and hears her dog yelping and the same guy is trying to drag her dog away to steal it.

Even when she came out and started screaming at the guy he was still trying to drag the dog who was so scared she peed herself.

She was so shaken up by it and realised there are people who target dogs to steal-massive dogs too.Her dog is a 73kg Bullmastiff.

About a year and a half ago a family pet was also stolen from the backyard she was also a Bullmastiff. They went into the yard and took her and closed the gate behind them-never to be seen since. I saw the ads everywhere the owners even did business cards with her pic etc...They were so so sad.

Everyone laughs at me and how secure my side gate is but a lot of large breed dogs have gone missing in surrounding areas.

Sorry not telling you this to freak you out but do the padlocks!

Glad your dog is OK. He is gorgeous :thumbsup:

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My two Rottweilers were stolen from my backyard so I am padlocks all the way now. I have also built a separate gate at the back end of the driveway so they can't be seen from the street.

The police said they were probably stolen for breeding or dog fighting, apparently they had had heaps of reports. Fortunately both dogs are desexed and soft as butter.

A man rang me two days later after finding my number on the pound lost dogs website. They were about 20km away and had just been dumped on the side of the road.

They were having a lovely time running around and didn't know what all the fuss was about. :thumbsup:


OT but so glad you got your doggies back Burkes.I relate to the soft as butter comment!

I know a guy who purchased a Rotty to protect his truck and tools-they stole the dog!

I also know a Rotty who looked SO SO scary but his owners came home and they had been burgled and the Rotty was home in the house at the time-either they knew the dog or were very brave or stupid!

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I remember about eight years ago(?) There was an entire litter of Borzoi pups stolen in South Eastern Victoria. They were never seen or heard of again.

We must all think the worst of society and guard our dogs from thiefs and others out to do harm to them unfortunately :thumbsup:

My dogs are in the house when I am not home even though I live on a rural property.

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