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I always stay firm to the belief that any breed with a responsible and fully committed owner will turn out great. Here's a copy of my person specific legislation I once posted, AND I do want everyone to remember it DOES have room for change in the wording etc.

Here it is (it's pretty harsh)- :laugh:

When I was reading a recent post that listed the breeds of dogs that have been banned in both state law and local councils to prevent (i am assuming) dog attacks/aggression and make their state/council a safer place I thought I might give them a hand and revise the current BSL, I know that mine WILL stop attacks/ aggressive behaviour from ALL breeds of dogs not just those who have been condemned.

My List I might warn doesn't include ANY of the current breeds or characteristic that a dog has to have to be registered as a restricted breed, some might think that my list is a bit radical. There is only one breed covered in this list. Here it is -

The Revised version-

Restricted breeds of HUMANS in relation to the welfare of dogs and those in the community-

1. Those who sell dogs PURELY for profit

2. Those who sell dogs without educating the prospective buyer in regards to the breed

3. Those who sell breeds of dogs to people who don't meet that particular breeds all round requirements, e.g. exercise

requirements, training

4. Those who sell dogs that are in poor condition

5. Those who sell dogs that have come from a puppy farm

6. Businesses who hire staff for their sales knowledge NOT for their knowledge of dogs

7. Breeders who ONLY breed for the all mighty dollar

8. Breeders who sell puppies without educating the prospective buyer in regards to the breed

9. Breeders who breed dogs with compromised temperaments

10. Breeders who breed dogs with health/hereditary problems

11. Breeders who don't know that much about dogs or appropriate breeding practices, but still breed

12. Breeders who breed only for "looks" and not temperament

13. Breeders who don't screen prospective buyers to see if they suit the breed

14. Establishments that have tens/hundreds of breeding pairs of dogs, and breed them PURELY for profit

15. Establishments that have tens/hundreds of breeding pairs of dogs and keep them crated the whole of their life

16. Establishments that have tens/hundreds of breeding pairs of dogs and breed female dogs every season starting with their first season

17. Establishments that have tens/hundreds of breeding pairs of dogs and don't socialise the puppies whilst in their care

18. Establishments that have tens/hundreds of breeding pairs of dogs and don't temperament check breeding dogs

19. Establishments that have tens/hundreds of breeding pairs of dogs and don't health check their breeding dogs

20. Establishments that have tens/hundreds of breeding pairs of dogs and educate prospective buyers

21. Establishments that have tens/hundreds of breeding pairs of dogs and don't screen prospective buyers

22. Dog owners that didn't do any research into what breed would suit their life style (ignorance is no excuse)

23. Dog owners who don't socialise their puppies in their critical period and on wards

24. Dog owners who want to fulfill their ego and buy a "TUFF" breed of dog

25. Dog owners who buy from irresponsible pet shops

26. Dog owners who buy from irresponsible breeders

27. Dog owners who buy from irresponsible establishments

28. Dog owners who don't train their dogs either in obedience and or manners

29. Dog owners who put other people and animals in danger through irresponsible actions E.g letting their unsocialised dog

off lead in public

30. The media for spouting a whole lot of crap about dogs and individual breeds

31. CEOs of large welfare organisations (no names) condemning breeds and putting fear into the public

32. Local councils and state law focusing on condemning breeds of dogs and not condemning those who are FULLY responsible- People who fit into one or more of the above categories

EDUCATION IS THE KEY - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER = Less uneducated dog owners

All of the above will help produce healthy, happy, stable dogs that are well looked after (mentally and physically) through the breeding, the selling and owning stages of its life.

Remember that genes, socialisation starting when the dog is just weeks old and having owners that exercise and train the dog are extremely important. I don't know where you could go wrong if these areas are done right with any breed?

What does everyone think? will the above BSL sort everything out or not? If you wish you can make additions or take something out.

I do want to make it clear I support breeders, pet shops, councils, and people in general who are responsible and are in it for the dogs.

Edited by animalia
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