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Today's Positive Experience


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My eleven year old son has suddenly decided that he wants to show dogs... like I'm talking absolutely no interest at all until yesterday when I said I was heading to a show. He was up early this morning and dresses and ready to leave before I even got out of bed.

Now he's had no practice since he first went into the ring nearly 2 years ago down in NSW and since he only decided in the last 24 hours that he was going to show, there really was no chance to even go over the basics except for "just keep the lead in your left hand!".

We had a bit of a hard time finding a dog for him as he isn't so crash hot with stacking but we did manage to find him a lovely Basset Hound who moved at just the right pace. Fortunate for Ashley because they also happen to be his favourite breed of dog. He went in the ring not really knowing what he was doing but he did alot better than expected and even stacked the dog up quite well. :laugh:

He didn't place but when he came out of the ring, the owner of the Basset has very kindly offered that if Ashley is at some shows he is welcome to take the Basset into breed classes so he can get some practice. This is a fantastic and generous offer and I commend the owners heartily for making the offer and encouraging the youngsters in the dog world. :rofl: Ashley actually wants to show again. I'm in shock! :laugh:

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Go Ashley! The basset people would probably love a helping hand as they sometimes need extra handlers.

If Abby was a little bit older, I would have offered her. She's been a bit weird in shows lately where she will do everything fine until we are in a line up and get up to walk out of the ring and she freaks out. I've been trying to be very positive with her and offering bait. She's fine when we start walking out. It's just that initial bit of everyone getting up and starting to walk that she's freaking out at.

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