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My Dog Was Hit By A Car, In Stable Condition

Ms Genki

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I usually wouldn't post this, but I think it's a cautionary reminder when it comes to dogs and the front gate.

Today I got a call from an emergency vet hospital just as I was on my way home. We always get the dogs into the house before we open the front gate to get the cars in because they still have to learn not to rush out of the gate. This time, my more than slightly deaf father opened the gate, my dog evaded my sister and dashed out towards the main road around 5pm.

She's at the vet being monitored overnight and besides several cuts and a compressed back disk, she has somethingwhatsit-thorax (air leaking from her lungs) which I was told is not too serious. She'll be monitored tomorrow at my local vet's clinic, I'm just relieved there's no broken bones or internal bleeding because my other dog developed cherry eye last week!

In other news, we learned that my boy can clear the 1.8m front gate, including the thick plumbing pipe which is supposed to prevent him from getting a grip at the top. I am heading out to the hardware shop first thing in the morning to buy another pipe to block the small gap between the carport roof and the gate as it is clear from today that we do not ever want to have a dog land in a similar scenario again. The phone call itself was harrowing.

I am so grateful to the lovely vet nurse who was on her way to work; she stopped (along with five other cars and a cyclist), put my gal in her car on a baby blanket that someone loaned and took her straight to her workplace, the hospital. We are giving her, the vet (and the lady who found my roaming dog) brownies when we pick up Brodie tomorrow. The vet was very lovely and informative, my gal could not be in better hands.

Edited by Ms Genki
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I hope your girl makes a full recovery.

It is a nightmare when things like this happen isn't it. Our boy was rear-ended when our electric rolloer door was mysteriously opened one night. He had bleeding from the back end and was peeing bloody for about 5 days after the accident. He also damaged some muscles in his back leg. He recovered well from the bleeding but what took the longest was the muscles to heel. About 3 months with a lot of physio, wading in the water, chiropractor and walking. He is all better now but what a hell of a shock.

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Thank you for the kind thoughts, everyone :laugh: . After being monitored at the vet's today, Brodie is home, tucked under the blanket with a water bottle and a wheat pack :rofl: . She had a very very lucky escape as the vet thinks that she got clipped by the car and rolled. Three teeth are broken, her lungs are bruised and she's wheezing, and her pelvis will need to be monitored. She'll need to rest for at least two months.

Edited by Ms Genki
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There is nothing worse then when they are sick or injured. Your girl must have had a gaurdian angel watching over her to be found and assisted by such wonderful people. It really is lovely that there are some people around that will still help.

Im glad your girl is doing so well and hope she makes a full and complete recovery.

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