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Dying A Dogs Coat Pink

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Not sure what the groomer used, but it was MEANT to be temporary and ended up lasting 6 months. Fortunately mine didn't last quite that long..........

Just be careful what you use if you don't want it to last a long time and become known as the person with the dog with the pink tail.........


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Why don't you dye her blue and promote the forgotten fact that men get breast cancer too?

That'll knock everyone for a sixer, being told that men's lives matter just as much as women's do. Oops, I shouldn't say that, I'll probably be accused of being sexist

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No way heavypaws, I wouldnt take that as being sexist ..Mens breast cancer aware-ness is almost taboo! I agree more needs to be done to promote it! However for this fundraiser its support the Pink Hope Foundation and the theme is pink. The reason its pink is because mum has the Braca1 &2 gene and is having a preventative double mastectomy on 28th June. We are having the footy match on 5th June and a big fundraising event on 25June.

My brother will be tested for the Brca1 &2 genes and when he gets his results Feb next yr we will have a blue party to raise the awareness (by then I hope the pink has gone :thumbsup: )

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She ended up looking like a grubby poodle for a fews months ;) the ears took the longest to grow out!

If look about ten pages back in the poodle thread, one of the poo's was dyed using Fudge Paintbox dyes....that is what I am going to try next :rolleyes:

Not sure, but the uptake of the dyes may be more dramatic in the poo's as of the type of their coat!

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fudge will last forever wont it?? i have used it my hair - a long time ago though - and it had to grow out some i even dyed over the top of cause it took so long!!

What were the chalks?? would be interested if i can get them over here they would be good for stencil work :rolleyes:

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i would think they would dust out easily - im assuming that these ones from the states are more like the chalks used in dog showing?? i dont know much about them i dont personally use them - which now that i have said that i realise what u mean about being too soft - it wont grip to the coat lol

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I haven't found food colouring to work at all. Coloured hair spray works really well and can be washed out....might leave a slight stain on the first bath if you use a lot but will come out by the second.

I dont want it to be permanent so probably going to go with food colouring or spray on dye...Photos will be a must!

Practising on my mums dog first.

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Never thought of the sprays!! did it mark the goldens coat at all or washed out right away?? and is ur golden dark gold or a lighter colour?? sorry for the 20 questions but i have a few clients who really want to colour their dogs for special occasions but want a wash out colour and i am yet to find one that actually washes out! lol

The sprays are good but they can rub off on other fabrics so you have to be careful. After Ronin was coloured and we had been at the event all day I just washed him in warm water and it all came out. It didn't leave a mark at all on his coat and he was a very light cream.

I love my Shih Tzu's ears and tail and have never dyed them as they take too long to grow out. Here is a photo of some of the Pet Este colours.


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a bored groomer =

experiment time!!

The first attempt was with Blue (the colour and the dog - seemed appropraite and she needed a bath and trim anyway)

Oh no! what is going to happen here?


This is going to happen!


haha says Blue, that didn't really work!


Well, nearly!

a hint of a tint


and the finished pup (may as well show her off, even if she isn't a Blue Blue!)


Decide to have another go so give Riva a turn as she has recently had a bath

I'm going to make you pay next time you sleep!


I should have taken a photo of the bath, it looked like a scene from CSI, very much a 'blood bath'!!

Anyhoo, here she is when dry



and if you are wondering


you should wear gloves when doing it!

The colouring used was just ordinary food dye. I'm thinking next time to try mixing it in with some hair mousse

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