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Isn't It Lovely When Visitors Feel Comfortable?


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I have started minding a gorgeous Manchester Terrier one day a week. His totally besotted owner drops him off on Thursday night and collects him Friday evening.

It is wonderful to report that he is starting to feel at home and very much welcomed. I went out to check where he was - all dogs love my backyard because it is quite large and has dozens of dogs run around it, but it wanted to be sure he was okay. He sure was:




Edited by Mother Moocher
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I see abuse ;) He only has ONE pillow. What is this, MM?
:thumbsup::o Everyone always picks on me.

Actually today I had the curtains opened, the blinds up and, boy, did I get some photos. My Gussy Cat was in the front yard and Renny loves cats ---- to chase. He had pulled all the couch cushions down and was standing right up against the window.

HOWEVER, my #$%^&E%#$% computer won't read the card. It has been only reading spasmodically ever since I took it down to where I purchased it for something else that was wrong. It (the computer) is now out of warranty. :) :D

I'll give it another go tonight.

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I see abuse ;) He only has ONE pillow. What is this, MM?
:thumbsup::o Everyone always picks on me.

Actually today I had the curtains opened, the blinds up and, boy, did I get some photos. My Gussy Cat was in the front yard and Renny loves cats ---- to chase. He had pulled all the couch cushions down and was standing right up against the window.

HOWEVER, my #$%^&E%#$% computer won't read the card. It has been only reading spasmodically ever since I took it down to where I purchased it for something else that was wrong. It (the computer) is now out of warranty. :) :D

I'll give it another go tonight.

there is a rule that a warranty does not end at say 12 months if you have a reasonable expectation that it should last longer. additionally a warranty can be extended of they have not fixed ot up properly in the first place.

take the puter back and ask them to fix iut properly for you under warranty

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OT - absolutely :) your curtains!
Yes, they are lovely, but I still feel they don't suit my area. I feel they are too formal, and I felt that way when having them made, but the fabric was so beautiful I couldn't resist. Silly me.

I gave my camera card to Renny's owner when she collected him last night so hopefully she will be able to send the rest of the photos to me.

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