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What Made You Choose Your Breed?


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Pointers, for sure! :rolleyes:

I cared for the father of one of my bitches, years ago, and absolutely fell in love with his loving nature, and willingness for cuddles. :thumbsup:

Well, his next litter, one baby came home with me. :confused:

They are amazing. I love how at night, they have to sleep cuddled up next to me, they may as well use me as a pillow. :provoke:

I love how happy they both are too see me, and how they get there hello cuddles and then do zoomies.

I love how they are smart, yet cheeky. :laugh:

Not to mention, the happy look on their faces as they are running across the oval, those lips going everywhere. :laugh::laugh:

ETA: Would love to see some Aussies at Kepala one day? ;)

Ditto, pointers are the best!

Kites my first and definately wont be my last she has me hooked on the breed. I got a pointer because I wanted a larger dog to show, something with a happy friendly nature and short fur so I didnt have to do alot of grooming. Agree with everything pointees said, they are smart...kite pretends to be dumb but she aint, cheeky is an under statement, shes a lounge lizard when shes not causing mayhem and she is brilliant with other dogs and when shes around little kids she just melts! Infact she melts for anyone whos willing to give her a cuddle! Shes so soft in temperment and has the softest ears in the world :laugh:

I could go on forever about why I love the breed and why I got the breed but you'd get sick of my rambling! Just trust me when I say best breed ever!

Now the pugs are a whole other story, why did I choose them? No idea! Probably originally loved them cause they is cute! But once I met a few I loved their additude, they can be naughty little sh!ts one minute and lovely snuggle bugs the next! They are smart, and very human like! I just love everything about them

I have the two best breeds ever end of story! :laugh: (IMO anyway)

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Lyndsay is getting the sister to my new boy......Holly and my girl Dusty are from the same breeder.

There are shows on most weekends at KCC Park in Cranbourne. If you checks the Dogs Victoria website you should be able to see a list of activities on each month.

I will be starting to show my new little man around mid-July, I hope.

ETA, here is my new little love. He will be coming home on the Queens Birthday weekend. His name is Isaak.


He is stunning! I love his name. :rolleyes: Just out of curiosity, what breeder are the pups from? ;)

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Black tri! Gayle is getting his GORGEOUS brother who is also a black tri. I love the boy Gayle is getting and if we could keep a dog he would have been my pick! ;) Very glad he's going to such an awesome home where he will get a chance to hit the show ring.

My new girl, Bree at 6 weeks! She'll hit the ring in about 6 weeks!


AHHH, I am in love lol. These two are simply adorable. I don't really know much about showing but I look forward to hearing about their progress in the ring. :rolleyes:

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Just look at them! Sibes are gorgeous (especially my sibe!)!


Shame about the shedding, the independence and their ability to make any human look like a complete and total idiot! :rolleyes:

Seriously though, Sibes were the perfect breed for my circumstances when I got Z - I love that you have to think on your feet with them and think of new ways to deal with their quirks. When they cuddle, because it doesn't happen very often, it's really special and they're just so fun to be aorund. I think he has made me a better dog owner because he's not an easy or biddable dog. I really do have to think about ways to train him, keep him occupied and keep his brain active. He's a challenge!

Stunning pic!! ;) I love sibes too. :thumbsup:

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He is stunning! I love his name. Just out of curiosity, what breeder are the pups from?

Tuscamada in South Australia. Isaak is going to be Tuscamada Twist of Fate. The breeder is also a member on DOL, you will no doubt see her on the Aussie thread.

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He is stunning! I love his name. Just out of curiosity, what breeder are the pups from?

Tuscamada in South Australia. Isaak is going to be Tuscamada Twist of Fate. The breeder is also a member on DOL, you will no doubt see her on the Aussie thread.

Ohh, I see. :thumbsup: I haven't heard of that kennel, I'm more familiar with the breeders in VIC such as Rozate, Comeby, ect. :confused:

I just checked out their site and as expected, their Aussies are stunning. :rolleyes:

Uh oh, I think this is turning into an Aussie thread! ;)

Edit: Lovely pic dotty! <3 Just look at those eyes. : )

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I am being visited by a Rozate puppy tomorrow. My best friend, who I hadn't seen in months, suprised me a few weeks ago when he sent me an email with a pic of his new puppy.....a black tri Aussie boy from Rozate. He is finally bringing him over to visit tomorrow.

I bought my second Aussie from Tuscamada because I'd contacted her about a litter that she was expecting and she ended up having the exact puppy I wanted.....a black tri girl with a blaze on her face and long white stockings. She was everything I ever wanted in a dog....sweet, pretty and very, very lovable.

My big doofus boy, my first Aussie, came from a Vic breeder....Hevnsent. He is just a big clown in a black furry coat and he started my love affair with the breed.

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I am being visited by a Rozate puppy tomorrow. My best friend, who I hadn't seen in months, suprised me a few weeks ago when he sent me an email with a pic of his new puppy.....a black tri Aussie boy from Rozate. He is finally bringing him over to visit tomorrow.

I bought my second Aussie from Tuscamada because I'd contacted her about a litter that she was expecting and she ended up having the exact puppy I wanted.....a black tri girl with a blaze on her face and long white stockings. She was everything I ever wanted in a dog....sweet, pretty and very, very lovable.

My big doofus boy, my first Aussie, came from a Vic breeder....Hevnsent. He is just a big clown in a black furry coat and he started my love affair with the breed.

I was considering buying from Rozate sometime this year but unfortunately they have had their last litter for this year. ;) I honestly can't choose which breeder I like the most haha.. So many gorgeous Aussies to choose from.

Oh yes, I have contacted Hevnsent once before I think.

This will be my "first" dog and first time purchasing from a breeder so I'm taking my time.

I want a blue merle male but am very particular about how I want him to look and of course have the right temperament; Do breeders get upset if you are picky about such things as a pup's markings? Just curious. :rolleyes:

You are all very lucky to have such great pups! :thumbsup:

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Sibes are the best ;)

What kind of dog is your little black one in your sig pic, Haylz?

That's our beagle x cocker spaniel, Indi. :thumbsup:

She's really cute! :confused:

Thank you so much! :rolleyes:

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Haylz I have a Comeby boy as well as my Tuscamada girl, he is fantastic and has a personality i cannot fault.


Awww, they look so sweet! Who was the sire/dam of your Comeby boy? I have spoken with Suzanne a couple of times about her upcoming litters that will most likely be towards the end of this year.. :rolleyes:

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I grew up with a kelpie X and I loved her to bits so ever since I have always loved kelpies.

My Kelpie X Coolie Tilly is such a lovely dog and is a real character. She was a stray at the pound and I still can't believe that somebody gave her up.

I love how kelpies are so intelligent, intuitive, loyal, happy and friendly... Tilly is determined, impulsive and definitely has a mind of her own though, so I wouldn't say she is an "easy" dog to own, but she is so loveable and friendly.


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I have a few fave breeds, mainly mastiff types, I love Danes - though I have never had one.

I own a Dogue De Bordeaux, he's 5, his name is Zeus and he is pretty big. Everyone says - geez that's a big dog.

I chose the DDB because .... I was single and living alone and I knew a dogue would be a good guard dog. I love Hooch in 'Turner and Hooch'. I also knew that he would be relatively lazy, fairly clever and docile.

It turns out he was all that and more, he is so devoted to me in such an understated way that he has touched my heart. I love that if I am with him and someone else (BF, Mum, anyone) calls him......he wont go. He wont go to them unless I go too. But will come to me as soon as I say his name, anytime.

I love that he is so big and powerful but turns to putty as soon as i pat him.

I love that he's a rarer breed

I love that though he could quite easily hurt another dog he will always stop- move on - ignore - other dogs when I say so.

I love that he still looks like a puppy.

I love that he used to get a milk mo' that I had to wipe when he was a pup. :rolleyes:

I love that he has such a character that he is famous among my family and friends, and is often greeted before me.

I love how if anyone throws a ball he just follows it with his eyes, totally uninterested. Then looks at you like....'what...? it's a ball...big deal.' ;) :thumbsup::confused:

And after reading the Dane owners post I am glad I didn't teach him to shake!!!

Welcome to DOL :provoke:

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I grew up with German Shepherds, as a child I would shake the apple trees so that my parents Shepherds could eat them lol....they were loyal and fun and gentle. I still remember them jumping through hoops of fire, they were Shutzhund and guard work trained, yet still so kind to me as a child. I knew from the first memory of these lovely dogs, I would only ever want this breed. I have now owned 3, and loved every moment of them. I lost my first girl a few months ago, Bless her, now I have a big male and a young female...I chose this breed because I love how they move, how they look, how they respond and how loyal and pleasing they are.

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