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How Insane..my Herd Got Out Yesterday!

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I just moved into a new house on the weekend and the gate is crap! Its a metal frome with chicken wire on it and its rrusted and falling apart. Currently saving the pennies to replace it with a colourbond gate. Left for work in the morning with Leila in the 6ft tall pen, Ramses and Ted free range in the yard and Friend on a tether. The gate was shut with bricks against it.

Ramses is a good boy and it wouldnt matter if the house didnt have a gate he wouldnt leave the driveway. Leila, Friend and Teddy (Goat) on the other hand are young-uns and love an adventure. I phoned my housemates work to ask her a question and her workmate casually goes "Oh she has ducked out, all the animals got out so she has gone to catch them"

Panic!!!!!!!!! Ive raced home from work rushing around the suburb asking has anyone seen a goat and 3 dogs running around..mind you this was 3.00pm in the arvo, and we are surrounded by 2 public schools. Housemate told me they had been seen in my siblings school and Teddy, the goat had gone straight to my sisters room and she caught him. A teacher returned him to our house.

Friend had ran into my other sisters room and hopped in her lap, he is my housemates dog and Erynn (Sister) wasnt exactly sure if it was friend or not! So they phoned housemate with the number from his tag and told her the animals were out. Leila wouldnt go on the carpet of the classroom so sat on the lino and enjoyed pats off the teacher. Then the 2 dogs took off.

Ramses wandered back home and by the time I checked on Ted he was in the yard eating a lemon from the tree :laugh:

So it was on to find Leila and Friend (DA and extremly fearful GSD and a bold outgoing young beagle) We were driving around asking anyone who we could find had they seen them. We eventually found them after they crossed the busiest road in the suburb and ended up 5 mins away in a stinky old swamp.

Leila had jumped onto her kennel, smashed it up and climbed out of the 6ft pen, knocked over the bricks and pushed her way out the gate with the other 2 dogs and Teddy the goat in tow. We caught eventually caught the 2 dogs up and put them back in the yard. The electric fence is back up and all the animals are now secured in the yard.

My 2 sisters and my brother are now the coolest kids in school because their goat came into the school and had to be caught :rofl: Mum had multiple teachers ring her about the incident and having a great chuckle. Poor Ted though he would have been so frightened without the dogs, he hates being alone let alone being round up by strangers!.

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I'm sorry spoilt lab, it must have been scary for you, but that is the funniest story ever! :rofl::thumbsup::rofl: It made me laugh out loud at my desk.

I can just picture a line of dogs trotting down the road followed by a goat :laugh: And then just walking themselves into the school and going to find their friends in class. That's hilarious, and so so cute :mad

I'm very glad they were all found safe and sound.

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I'm sorry spoilt lab, it must have been scary for you, but that is the funniest story ever! :rofl::thumbsup::rofl: It made me laugh out loud at my desk.

I can just picture a line of dogs trotting down the road followed by a goat :laugh: And then just walking themselves into the school and going to find their friends in class. That's hilarious, and so so cute :(

I'm very glad they were all found safe and sound.

thinking and picturing the same thing


i'm really glad everyone is home safe and sound now too!

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I'm so glad it had a happy ending. So now I can agree....it's one of the funniest stories everywhere. Who says that goats are goats?

Teddy followed by his dogs knew just where to go.

The teachers will be dining out on this story for years!

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Trust me my mum was at work manning the phones and laughing her head off at the whole situation! Afterwards I had a good giggle just picturing it..there was a huge crowd gathered at the school while Ted was wandering around casually eating the flowers and garden :rofl:

He had been taken into the school before for news once but that was 18 months ago and he was driven :laugh:

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Afterwards I had a good giggle just picturing it..there was a huge crowd gathered at the school while Ted was wandering around casually eating the flowers and garden :rofl:

He had been taken into the school before for news once but that was 18 months ago and he was driven :laugh:

More proof from Teddy that goats aren't goats. :thumbsup:

He's a very clever boy.

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Oh he is definately intelligent. Comes when he is called and knows who is family is. As soon as he found my sister he ran straight to her.

Also when he feels threatened (like when I put in the new backyard for the first time) he hides behind me or Ramses and sticks to us like glue.

ETA: Yesterday prior to the animals getting out I was actually phoning around looking to re-home Ted as he didnt appear to be coping well with the change.

Today however he is his normal self and is as happy as larry right at home where he belongs!

Edited by spoilt lab lives here
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