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Staffies X 2


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I would get another dog, doesnt have to be a Staffy though, maybe a pound puppy might be a good idea.

I have two Staffy's, one cracks it if she doesnt get a walk everyday, the other prefers not to leave the house.

Although they keep each other company it doesnt stop the destruction, I think they spur each other on. Having two does help stop them escaping though, mine havent tried to get out in the 2.5 years I have had them.

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Wear ear plugs to bed and you wont even notice the snoring!

and you do get used to the farting..

My Stafford is great, has only chewed 2 things that were not hers, can be left alone inside and wont touch anything....

The Bull Terrier is my chewer :laugh: he is 7 this year and still chews :) He was the first dog, so getting Kaos did not help one bit!!!

Good luck :laugh:

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My girl was just a digger, and systematically destroyed most of my mum's potted orchids...but hey if the humans leave pots around then... :laugh:

Now she is 10 y.o. she still digs, just infrequently and only in the one spot. :) She's always had other dogs for company too.

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