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Could This Be Kc Or An Obstruction?


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Just after some opinions :D

On Sat night I heard Scout gagging, I got up to see if she was OK, as it sounded like she was trying to vomit.

She had a lamb neck that morning, I have noticed that a few times before that after eating lamb bones she has vomited up a small bit of the bone, so I thought that might have been happening, nothing came up though and Scout went back to sleep. She did it again that night, but that was it.

Last night she did it again. She also just did this snorting noise, it seemed like she was trying to blow her nose!

She seems pretty well within herself other than the occasional gagging which is mainly at night. There isn't any nose discharge or phlegm (sp?) bought up when she gags she has been to the toilet and is eating/drinking fine.

Should I get her to the vet in the morning or monitor her.

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Well today my dog went to the vet as last night and this morning he had been sounding like he was trying to clear his throat and we were also worried he could have something caught in his throat. He was diagnosed with an aggrivated throat with the possibility it could be the start of KC and was told to monitor him.

I am glad we took him as I now know for certain his throat is clear so I'm not worrying and I know to keep him away from other dogs for a little bit so if it is KC we won't spread it around.

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I have a boxer that will do the same thing. Always after she is a piglet and doesn't chew bones well enough. Had to stop brisket bones for that reason. Better for them to vomit it up than have an intestinal obstruction. May pay to look at what type of bone you are giving.

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When my boy had KC he sounded like he was chocking. My girl had it at the same time and sounded completely differently - very snotty.

I'd take them to the vet just to check for an obstruction. They need to be kept draught free and need to remain "quarantined" for 10 days AFTER they stop coughing.

I also stopped feeding mine bones during the peak of their KC as it seemed to trigger something? I fed them a good quality kibble and they threw up less.

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Perhaps the lamb is a little too fatty for her and she is feeling a bit sick?

I've stopped feeding lamb ribs for a while because I found it upset my dogs stomachs. I think it's just a bit too rich.

The snorting may have been backward sneezing and possibly unrelated.

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