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I Need A Little Info....


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Hi Everyone,

I'm really really wanting to get into photography - I LOVE taking photos, but just have a little digital camera, so I'm wanting an upgrade, but because I know NOTHING about photography/cameras I need some help!!

What type of cameras should I be looking at?? It's just something I want to do for fun - i'm at uni so it's hopefully going to be brithday/christmas presents combined from mum, dad, brother and sister (i'm yet to discuss this with them though :thumbsup::thumbsup: ), but yeah, if anyone has any suggestions/brands/types that I could start researching so I have a little list to show them that would be awesome!!! I would love to get a good camera that I can continue to add new lens and things to it... and eventually go to some courses would be great as well :thumbsup:

I'm keen on doing lots of animal photos - especially of my girl, but also just scenery etc etc....

Thanks heaps for your time and help!!!!!!!!

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Hey LuvLottie,

Once you start you will realise how addictive it can be!

Do you have a price range in mind? I dont know a lot about other cameras so dolers will probably be able to offer more advice but price would be a good place to start.

I have a Canon as do a lot of dolers. I would say that and Nikon are the 2 most popular.

Good luck :thumbsup:

Edited by becandcharch
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