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Omg I Did It!


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....I bought my new toy!!

My first L series lens that ive been wanting ever since I hired it a couple of months ago.... the Canon 24-70mm 2.8L :rofl:

Lets just say this is my Christmas present to myself for the next 10 years! :)

Next will be the 5D MkII but not for a little while now! Just had to buy this baby!!

ETA - Im so glad the L series lenses come with a lens hood and lens bag. Im scared to take it out the box in case I break it :rofl:


Edited by Bellatrix
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wow, congratulations. I hadn't thought about this lens much until some here started tallking about it and then I thought it would cover the range I dont have, I've got a 50 and 100 prime but the only zoom I use covers 70-200 and that lens of yours would fill the gap nicely.

Have you actually started using it yet? Better post some piccies real soon. For my sake I hope you really hate it.

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Congratulations...now tell me why I would want this lens......I might have to alter my Christmas wish list. I have been saving for a macro......but I can be convinced otherwise LOL

Have fun Bellatrix

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Love to hear what you think of the lens. I love prime lenses and want the 24mm prime lens, but this one is very tempting simply because it will mean less changing of lenses

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Nice one... when are we going out on a trip to show off our new toys?

Soon :thumbsup:

OK, so we've seen a pic of the lens, now how about some pics FROM the lens. :thumbsup:


Its been raining here in Adelaide so not nice days to venture out... Will get to it as soon as its a nicer day :cheer:

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