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Toilet Training

W Sibs

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At puppy school.. one of the instructors said that a female dog/pup is harder to house train then a male dog/pup?

What do you guys think and say?

Me, personally, it's all depend on the dog and how consistent the person is on it.

Admittedly, Charlie got house training very quickly (he hasn't made a mistake in the house since 12 weeks). Emmy hasn't quite got the concept of it just yet... she just goes to the backdoor and sticks her head out of the doggie door and barks to let us know she needs to go. She hasn't got the part where she can walk through the doggie door and ran to the yard just yet by herself just yet... she needs someone (or Charlie) to go with her. But, she is a puppy and is still learning.

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It probably does depend to some degree on the individual dog - but as a generality I have found my male dogs to be much quicker and more consistent to train than my females. Both my girls are a bit lazy about going out to the toilet - and it is them that will go on the carpet if it is too dark, too cold or too wet - or if they just don't want to go out by themselves.

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Bitty was great toilet training wise! She only had about 5 accidents during her entire puppyhood and they were all my fault.

Once the poor poppet had diarrhoea in the middle of the night while I was fast asleep, she screamed and yelled in her crate until I woke up to let her out. She didn't even go in her crate the poor thing.

I think its probably the puppy's individual personality. Emmy is great to let you know though! Quite a few baby pups would just piddle when they need to wouldn't they?

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I think it depends a lot on the individual. All my girls have been very good but I took my boy a little longer, having said that it only took a few days (and a few sleepless nights) :rofl: . It would matter on how consistent the handler was with the pup I think.

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Bitty was great toilet training wise! She only had about 5 accidents during her entire puppyhood and they were all my fault.

Once the poor poppet had diarrhoea in the middle of the night while I was fast asleep, she screamed and yelled in her crate until I woke up to let her out. She didn't even go in her crate the poor thing.

I think its probably the puppy's individual personality. Emmy is great to let you know though! Quite a few baby pups would just piddle when they need to wouldn't they?

Oh, poor Bitty!!

Oh, it is great Emmy lets me know. But, Emmy tells me everything :rofl:

She is a chatterbox. She tells me when she is awake. when she wants to go to sleep. when she is hungry. when she is full... you get the idea.. :)

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We got our female puppy at 12 weeks, had about 4 accidents in total. We haven't had any accidents since 14 weeks and she's now nearly 6 months old.

Our older boy came to us toilet trained (poor boy had a tough time in the pound not getting let out for wees often enough) so I'm not sure how long he took, but he'd rather have his eye poked out with a fork than have to "go" inside the house. He'd hold on for days.

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