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Disgusted In Dog Transport


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This morning a friend who is a breeder rang me after one of her pups was picked up by a transport company. The Breeder placed the dog in the crate and then looked again and it was full of vomit and poo. The driver explained that the person responsible for the cleaning was only new in the job and was really slow. He then asked if the breeder had a hose to clean it out, no cleaning agents, just a hose! The breeder then refused the let the driver place the pup in the cage and suggested that the pup sit on the front seat with him. The driver drove off with the pup in the front of the van. The pup was being transported from the western suburbs to the city. The new owner wasn't able to pick up the pup due to sickness and wanted the pup soon as it was now nearly 10 weeks old.

This is disgusting, and people are wondering why pups are getting sick from the transport companies.

The pup was picked up at 8am, which means this probably may have been the first run of the morning, so that was still sitting in their from a trip yesterday.

The breeder rang the new owner and explained everything to her and she was going to make a complaint. This is not good enough.

Has anyone else seen this before?

Edited by nickojoy
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No way! The breeder is more trusting than me. I would have refused to let the transport guy take the pup for fear he would put it into the dirty crate further down the road. Also there was no way of knowing if any other dogs had sat in the front with the driver and what thier vacc status was.

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No way! The breeder is more trusting than me. I would have refused to let the transport guy take the pup for fear he would put it into the dirty crate further down the road. Also there was no way of knowing if any other dogs had sat in the front with the driver and what thier vacc status was.

We have breeders and we have ETHICAL breeders.....

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Pup would not have sent if it was mine.... photos would have been taken... and the company higher-uppers notified. Pup probably would have also been quarantined :rofl: The mess in the crate may have been from a travel-sick anxious dog... or it may have been an ill dog :) YUK.

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I am with everyone here - why did she let the pup go still? I certainly wouldn't be brushing it off this easily!! Even letting the pup sit on the front seat with the driver, presumably unrestrained, is bad - what if he had braked suddenly? Not to mention risks of Parvo from even just being placed in the carrier!

also nickojoy -I am a bit confused by your responses here?

Edited by kendall
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I am with everyone here - why did she let the pup go still? I certainly wouldn't be brushing it off this easily!! Even letting the pup sit on the front seat with the driver, presumably unrestrained, is bad - what if he had braked suddenly? Not to mention risks of Parvo from even just being placed in the carrier!

also nickojoy -I am a bit confused by your responses here?

I have tried to mentor this person and its like :rofl: Health testing, WORMING, not letting pups leave until 8 weeks, explaining about limited register... it is startng to do my head in.

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I am with everyone here - why did she let the pup go still? I certainly wouldn't be brushing it off this easily!! Even letting the pup sit on the front seat with the driver, presumably unrestrained, is bad - what if he had braked suddenly? Not to mention risks of Parvo from even just being placed in the carrier!

also nickojoy -I am a bit confused by your responses here?

I have tried to mentor this person and its like :rofl: Health testing, WORMING, not letting pups leave until 8 weeks, explaining about limited register... it is startng to do my head in.

Walk away and wipe your hands of them - you have tried, but some people you just cannot conquer :)

Edited by Aziah
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Makes you wonder what sort of a person this Breeder is, Obviously one where the Money is more important.

And why didn't the driver clean it before he got to the Breeder, most likely another case of 'It's not my job'

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This morning a friend who is a breeder rang me after one of her pups was picked up by a transport company. The Breeder placed the dog in the crate and then looked again and it was full of vomit and poo. The driver explained that the person responsible for the cleaning was only new in the job and was really slow. He then asked if the breeder had a hose to clean it out, no cleaning agents, just a hose! The breeder then refused the let the driver place the pup in the cage and suggested that the pup sit on the front seat with him. The driver drove off with the pup in the front of the van. The pup was being transported from the western suburbs to the city. The new owner wasn't able to pick up the pup due to sickness and wanted the pup soon as it was now nearly 10 weeks old.

This is disgusting, and people are wondering why pups are getting sick from the transport companies.

The pup was picked up at 8am, which means this probably may have been the first run of the morning, so that was still sitting in their from a trip yesterday.

The breeder rang the new owner and explained everything to her and she was going to make a complaint. This is not good enough.

Has anyone else seen this before?

I know it's not the breeder's job but if it was me, I'd say sure to cleaning the crate but the driver would have to wait while it was done properly - these guys are on a schedule and hate to wait - too bad as far as I'm concerned - I would have made sure I really took my time too.....that's probably just the vindictive side coming out in me.

I'd also be making sure that I made a complaint to the company too.

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This morning a friend who is a breeder rang me after one of her pups was picked up by a transport company. The Breeder placed the dog in the crate and then looked again and it was full of vomit and poo. The driver explained that the person responsible for the cleaning was only new in the job and was really slow. He then asked if the breeder had a hose to clean it out, no cleaning agents, just a hose! The breeder then refused the let the driver place the pup in the cage and suggested that the pup sit on the front seat with him. The driver drove off with the pup in the front of the van. The pup was being transported from the western suburbs to the city. The new owner wasn't able to pick up the pup due to sickness and wanted the pup soon as it was now nearly 10 weeks old.

This is disgusting, and people are wondering why pups are getting sick from the transport companies.

The pup was picked up at 8am, which means this probably may have been the first run of the morning, so that was still sitting in their from a trip yesterday.

The breeder rang the new owner and explained everything to her and she was going to make a complaint. This is not good enough.

Has anyone else seen this before?

I know it's not the breeder's job but if it was me, I'd say sure to cleaning the crate but the driver would have to wait while it was done properly - these guys are on a schedule and hate to wait - too bad as far as I'm concerned - I would have made sure I really took my time too.....that's probably just the vindictive side coming out in me.

I'd also be making sure that I made a complaint to the company too.

I'd still not be sending a puppy in that crate or up front in the truck - regardless of how long you took there's not enough time to completely clean that crate (treating it as contaminated) and dry it properly.

Puppy wouldn't leave and after a heavy complaint to the transport company I'd not be using them again or recommending them!

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Driver would have been sent away with a piece of my mind, and I would have been straight on the phone to management of the freight company.

No way would I have allowed or suggested the pup travel loosely on a seat of a van/truck.

It is unlikely I would use that mob again and I would be letting others know.

But that's just me.

Sorry, but I find it difficult to comprehend how some one feels justified in complaining when they don't seem to be any better. Sorry if that comes across a bit harsh. How can you expect others to operate at a high level of ethics if you are not prepared to hold yourself to at least an equal standard of ethics.

Nickojoy, it must be very frustrating for you having a friend like that.

Edited by dyzney
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I would have thought the breeder wouldn't have allowed the pup to go at all.

hmmmm :rofl:


I don't think the breeder should have allowed the pup to go. I would have waited and arranged other transport if the thing was that dirty.

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I would have thought the breeder wouldn't have allowed the pup to go at all.

hmmmm :rofl:


I don't think the breeder should have allowed the pup to go. I would have waited and arranged other transport if the thing was that dirty.

Meaning the pup shouldn't have gone, read NoJ's other post, it explains the situation.

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I would have thought the breeder wouldn't have allowed the pup to go at all.

hmmmm :rofl:


I don't think the breeder should have allowed the pup to go. I would have waited and arranged other transport if the thing was that dirty.

Neither do I. I would have driven 40 mins to drop the pup off personally.

Puppy wouldn't leave and after a heavy complaint to the transport company I'd not be using them again or recommending them!

The owner booked the transport and I haven't mentioned the companies name for a reason, because 80% of people on here use them :)

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The stress for the pup and all the mucking around of organisation of a freight company for a 40 minute drive.... craziness.

I love driving and would have delivered the pup also if the owners were not collecting it for some reason. Would give me an opportunity to see the pup's new home.

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