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Toilet Training A New Puppy Both Indoors And Outdoors


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Hi I will be bringing home my new Pomeranian puppy this week :rofl:.

But I just have a question about toilet training, we are going to try crate training and taking her outside when she needs to go potty. but when we are not home (although it will only be for a short period at a time). would it be confusing to her if we trained her on one of those inside dog potty's?.

any advice would be helpful

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just another question, when I bring puppy home do i leave her crate inside her playpen so she can get used to it. as we will move it for bedtime to next to our bed or better to keep them separate?

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I'm not that experienced but i've crate trained my dogs an a litter, an if my puppys have outside time there crate is outside with them. I find if i put there crate where ever they are it's there safe zone an they love there crates. I personally wouldn't bother with a doggy potty if it's for only a short period of time i crate mine but i make sure there toileted first. But thats just what i do there are much more experienced people on here who will probably give you much more advice

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Keep the surface that you use indoors and outdoors consistent and it shouldn't be a problem- i have a number of clients do this who live in apartments. Do you have a secure, puppy proof backyard though? If you do, is there a reason the pup couldn't stay there while you're out?

Crate in play pen when puppy is in play pen is a good idea.

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Hi, yes the backyard is puppy proof but I don't like the idea of leaving her out there alone whilst she is still a puppy. eventually I plan to when she is a bit older/bigger ( at the moment she is so small i think a bird could fly away with her :eek: . But I would like her to get used to going to the bathroom outside, but whilst she is inside when we are out I want to train her to go on either the pads or the inside dog potty. without confusing her to the point where she may not bother to go outside when given the option.

So I guess I am wondering when i get her home should i be on careful watch and rush her outside when she needs to go, or since she will be inside for awhile would it be best to just train her inside first?

I hope that makes sense :rofl:

thanks guys

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