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Break Out From The Stalag


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Last night my quiet, laid back Wire Haired Foxie head-butted an upright from the wooden gate at the back of the house: I thought that was the most secure area in my place :rofl: After escaping the back yard the swine bolted to the front gates, pulled aside a 60 litre bag of soil improver, scooted under the gate in true commando style. He shot away, decided he was too p'd off the listen to recall (not his best subject anyway). It was dark, and after looking at the nearest houses I had to go back indooes, make safe the Foster Willy, grab a torch and go on the Foxie hunt.

I visited his favourite neighbour dogs to no avail. I then decided that the ratbag had gone off to visit with BJ (yellos Lab who spent last year's hols with us). There I am in the dark park, hollering his name and shining the torch through the trees. Suddenly I hear click, click, click. Hey Ho it is the long nailed Zedley trotting back along the paved area, he had been to BJ's. He looked to darned pleased with himself, and even had the cheek to come up to me with a wagging tail :party:

I could have willingly throttled the little bugger :rofl: I had closed up all areas near the front gates to keep tiny Willy in, little did I expect Zedley to take a snit at having a foster in the house.

Zedley gets on well with all dogs of all sizes, he even eats his dinner without two feet of the foster. Guess he just dislikes that his littlie want to be on my lap (Zedders is not usually a lap-boy, well he is now :rofl: ) Talk about heart attack. I am howver, glad it was Zedley who did the escaping (Willy was indoors on my knee at the time) and not Willy. I pretty much know where Zedders will head for, goodness knows where Willy would have gone. Bgt dual carriage way at the end of the cul-de-sac.

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Oh thank goodness he came home safely! I had these rushed thoughts going through my head wondering which suburb you were in and would I be able to get there and go searching the streets with you!

Yes, I think perhaps he logged on here last night and saw the reference you made about Willy being a possible foster failure. :rofl:

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Oh thank goodness he came home safely! I had these rushed thoughts going through my head wondering which suburb you were in and would I be able to get there and go searching the streets with you! I'm in Ferndale for future refernce

Yes, I think perhaps he logged on here last night and saw the reference you made about Willy being a possible foster failure. :rofl:

I really do not think I have an FF on my hands, can't do that to my Zedley, he is such a sooky, lovable, fathful boy. Must tell him not to go sneaking into the computer room :rofl:

Edit for spelling

Edited by Loraine
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It has made me realise that he is a jealous boy, underneath that calm exterior. He is usually like my siamese twin, so for him to leg it off the property means he is not too happy. I've had fosters here in the past and I must admit he does get a bit strange, altho never angry.

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