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Chainlink Fencing With Dogs?


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Im looking at moving into a new house with our 3 doggies, the fencing is relatively good but the side fence on each side of the house is chainlink, approx. 1.2m high.

While it seems nice and secure, our dogs have never had this sort of fencing before, and I worry that they will bark all day at the neighbours, and because they are all 'toy breed' dogs, that if the neighbours got a dog like a german shepherd or something it could jump the fence or that they'd fight thru the chainlink??

At the moment they have pailing fence and if they hear the neighbour pottering around or his dog, they bark at him a bit :rofl:

The only thing I was thinking was creating a 'jail within a jail' situation where I get one of those petsafe dog enclosures and put it away from the fences, etc.

I was wondering if anyone else who has dogs and chainlink fences and how they cope with the neighbours and maybe the neighbours dogs ??

Its not to big a deal, they mostly stay inside 80% of the time anyways but has been on my mind.

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our last yard was chainlink on both sides the dogs barked at the neighbours and friends all day

if they weren't stopped. we grew vines and put that roll out fencing that you can get at kmart

at times. that work ok but was never the best. but at least we could remove it when it was old

chewed and then when we left. It is light and doesnt worry the chainlink so the owners can not complain.

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I have chain link fence and have had to add black weedmatting all along it so that the dogs can't see out, it has reduced their barking heaps. Was recommended to me by the ranger after a barking complaint from my neighbour, but he was an ar#% and deserved barking at, really creepy was glad when we moved. But put it up here as well as a preventative.

they still bark sometimes but better then everytime someone walks out there back door.

and it is cheap, comes in long rolls and just wire it onto existing fence.

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yeah , our front yard is 1/4 acres of 6ft chainlink fence. We screened it of with that light brush fencing you can buy at bunnings etc. We needed a LOT of it, but it wasnt terribly expensive.Thankfully we don't need to worry about neighbours as we are smack in the middle of 30 acres. We screened it more to slow down the winds, which can be fierce out here. Nearly 8 yrs on being slammed by the wind, and the brush is still looking not too bad.The brush stuff is somewhat see through though.

For a more solid screen , could you run colourbond sheets on their side attached to the existing fenceposts

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We have chain-link fencing at our house but thankfully the gardens are well established with vines and bushes obscuring most of the view through the fence.

There was one part that was next to a path (so no gardens) so I went to Bunnings and got that bark privacy screen stuff and spent a day attaching it to the fence. It looked great actually... we'll see how long it lasts.

It would be a big job to cover all the fences around a house if you are starting from scratch... but doable.

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I have chain link fence and have had to add black weedmatting all along it so that the dogs can't see out, it has reduced their barking heaps. Was recommended to me by the ranger after a barking complaint from my neighbour,

they still bark sometimes but better then everytime someone walks out there back door.

and it is cheap, comes in long rolls and just wire it onto existing fence.

Excellent suggestion. I've seen the weedmatting used like that.

Another possible problem with chain-wire fences is that some small dogs can climb them like a ladder!

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I think the screening would be worthwhile doing but as Mita said some dogs can climb the chain link, not just little dogs though. I've seen boxers, mastiff crosses go over 6ft chainlink fences if the incentive is enough.

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I think the screening would be worthwhile doing but as Mita said some dogs can climb the chain link, not just little dogs though. I've seen boxers, mastiff crosses go over 6ft chainlink fences if the incentive is enough.

You're not wrong... those square or diamond sections give some dogs perfect footholds. It's not so much a fence as a ladder.

So I'm not surprised you've seen the bigger dogs do it, too.

Human toddlers can also do it!

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Yeah my first thought was the dogs will climb it.

I have a fence aggressive dog next to me and he's a pain in the butt.

If your possible new neighbours don't have dogs at the moment what would stop you from socialising yours with then and preventing fence aggression issues?

I would be getting a dog run just to keep your dogs safe inside anyway or some of the other suggestions also sounded good.

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I also have chain link fencing between neighbors prop and mine and they have a German Sheppard who is scared of my maltese x shih tzu who likes to assert his dominance from his side of the fence. I'd wait until you know what sort of dog they are getting and if its a puppy socialize your dog with theirs and you may not have anything to worry about and may not have to go to the cost of putting weed matting along fence.

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We have a chainlink fence down the middle of the yard (so we can have a seperate area for each dog).

If you dog can jump up and put their paws on the top of the fence (which your guys might not be able to do) ... then be aware of any gates.

My youngest was jumping up and putting his paws on the top of the gate when he slipped and his paw slipped down between the gate and the gate post ... he was hanging by his leg and screaming at the top of his lungs. Thankfully he only seemed to have bruised his leg but he could have quite easierly broken a leg.

I now have shadecloth over the top of the gates (extending over each post on either side) so his paws can't get stuck again.

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we have chain mesh fences all around we are currently trying to grow a bamboo hedge to block out..the only side thats really annoying is the side with the dog, he runs up and back constantly when they are outside...and keeps ruining our bamboo...we might be putting up an electric fence to stop him running like that...:/ at least to save the plants he will prob continue to run on the other side of the electric fence

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I have chainlink fencing and one of my dogs does bark at the neighbours &what she can see through it.

I have had to train her out of it but there is a DA chi that tried to stick it's snout through at my dogs.The Chi would also bark at me and anyone else in the yard if he could see us or hear my backdoor open.

The Chi's owner said she was being the dominant pack leader by not correcting the behaviour & staying inside the house ¬ calling it off :thumbsup: gold!

She felt ignoring it would make it stop-3.5 years later the dog still does it.Training may have helped but who knows.At least my dogs ignore it.

I now have raised the height of the fences and used shade cloth and 6ft secured bamboo screening. This has helped a lot.

Also,training my dog out of her interest in the fence and what's happening on the other side & working on her recall have all helped..

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