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How Am I To Take This


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I think it's even funnier when people you've never met before make comments on your dogs. A woman was walking down the street when I was and spoke to my girls, well that was it, they wanted a pat then! We got talking and she asked me about Labs cos they were looking for a dog cos their BC had recently passed, when she commented about how long I had had the brown one for and me training them. I looked at her weirdly and she mentioned she'd seen me training just the yellow one in the park quite often then the brown one came along! I've never seen her before yet she knew all about them :birthday: Was walking them both another time when a lady was walking her dog on the other side of the road and she yells out to me "wow you've got 2 now!" Umm, who are you?? :birthday: What was nice though was I heard her bend down to her dog and say "see look, why can't you walk like them!" :)

Living/working in a small mining town I've become known as The lady with the GSD's. Not sure if it's an advantage or dissadvantage but I regularly get randoms at work come up and quiz me for training advice. I'm going to start charging soon I think :)

A few years ago, I was walking the dogs and Gussy Cat was trailing along behind us. A woman who was out with her daughter on her little tricycle greeted me and said something along the lines of: oh my husband told me there was a woman who walked her dogs and her cat. She doubted him until she saw me :laugh::dancingelephant:

:cheer: :cheer:

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