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How Am I To Take This


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:laugh: sounds okay to me. I never "look right" either if I only have one dog. Come to think of it I don't think I even know what that means :)
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Like me today, headed off to meet a friend on a walk with the dogs and when I got to the walking spot, her and her OH were talking to some other friends that were walking past and along we come and her friend says OMG four :) and my friend introduced me and said oh this is Barb the crazy dog lady :):laugh:

I guess it is just what people get used to. if I go to my usual walking spot and don't have all of mine, people assume something has happened to the ones I don't have. Usually it is because they are with my OH. People are funny!!

:love: I just seen Ruths post :rofl:

Edited by tlc
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I can relate to this thread, I walk my four dogs most days on my own, and I have had many people look at me like I am missing some marbles. I am sure having multiple dogs must = crazy :)

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Why were you only taking one for a walk?

I'd already taken Tamar, Jeune, Kisho and Danny. Sari usually comes with us, but she was stirred up and I couldn't get her lead on because she kept trying to bite me :laugh: She had settled down when I returned from walking the others.

And after walking Sari, I took Mufti out. He was amazing! Normally, Ijust go a few houses up the footpath and home again, but this time, he wanted to keep going and we actually went right around the block. I expected him to either keel over with a heart attack or to have to carry him home, but he bounded along like a two year old and wasn't even panting when we arrived home.

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Hi, I am new to this forum. I don't think I have ever laughed so much (out loud) from reading threads in a forum as I have in this one. I mean it in a good way.

Edited by Fleuri
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:rofl: at MM and GR - yes it is great to have a proper giggle after so much sadness lately - thank you.

Unfortunately I only have one dog but my idol is tlc :thumbsup: one day I too will have 4 (except they'll be standard poo's) :laugh:

I live in a very quiet area, but 50 metres down the road is a little group of shops one of which is a grooming palour. The husband and wife are breeders and showers of Standards and at last count I think they had about 12 or 13. They also help with rescue when they are able.

So when it is time to realise your dream Blue Fox . . . . . .

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I was walking Sari on her own and almost home when I saw one of my neighbours walking towards me with her old Golden Retriever. I waited at my driveway for them to reach me and as she came closer she said, "It doesn't look right seeing you with only one dog."

Probably a bit like seeing Octomum with just one kid :D

Edited by yellowgirl
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I think it's even funnier when people you've never met before make comments on your dogs. A woman was walking down the street when I was and spoke to my girls, well that was it, they wanted a pat then! We got talking and she asked me about Labs cos they were looking for a dog cos their BC had recently passed, when she commented about how long I had had the brown one for and me training them. I looked at her weirdly and she mentioned she'd seen me training just the yellow one in the park quite often then the brown one came along! I've never seen her before yet she knew all about them :laugh: Was walking them both another time when a lady was walking her dog on the other side of the road and she yells out to me "wow you've got 2 now!" Umm, who are you?? :dancingelephant: What was nice though was I heard her bend down to her dog and say "see look, why can't you walk like them!" :birthday:

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I think it's even funnier when people you've never met before make comments on your dogs. A woman was walking down the street when I was and spoke to my girls, well that was it, they wanted a pat then! We got talking and she asked me about Labs cos they were looking for a dog cos their BC had recently passed, when she commented about how long I had had the brown one for and me training them. I looked at her weirdly and she mentioned she'd seen me training just the yellow one in the park quite often then the brown one came along! I've never seen her before yet she knew all about them :birthday: Was walking them both another time when a lady was walking her dog on the other side of the road and she yells out to me "wow you've got 2 now!" Umm, who are you?? :birthday:What was nice though was I heard her bend down to her dog and say "see look, why can't you walk like them!" :)


A few years ago, I was walking the dogs and Gussy Cat was trailing along behind us. A woman who was out with her daughter on her little tricycle greeted me and said something along the lines of: oh my husband told me there was a woman who walked her dogs and her cat. She doubted him until she saw me :laugh::dancingelephant:

Edited by Mother Moocher
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