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Dont You Hate It


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I would love to import a solid colour Nimrodel whippet, a small curvy one like they used to be, not the big tall flat backed ones I see alot of these days, either fawn, blue, blue fawn, silver or cream. Not sure if she has cream in her bloodlines but that's what I'd like anyway.

Edited by Kirislin
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his grandmother is incredible!

my mum said 'oh what happens if he comes over and is all aggressive and a right arse of a dog' .. I'm like, so he'll fit in perfectly then :thumbsup: ahh he's the first dobey I've been star struck by

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his grandmother is incredible!

my mum said 'oh what happens if he comes over and is all aggressive and a right arse of a dog' .. I'm like, so he'll fit in perfectly then :thanks: ahh he's the first dobey I've been star struck by

He's not a patch on mine. :laugh::laugh:

(OK, I'm biased) :thumbsup:

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his grandmother is incredible!

my mum said 'oh what happens if he comes over and is all aggressive and a right arse of a dog' .. I'm like, so he'll fit in perfectly then :thumbsup: ahh he's the first dobey I've been star struck by

really? I have to admit I absolutely adore garrison moravia heart and federico moravia heart, gorgeous boys!

oh and Layne's Burkhard von Schlottke I just love how rich and dark his brown coat is!


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I dont like those tall crops they tend to flop over, the crop is MEANT to be more rounded like the pics I put up. Then they dont bend and look like the dog lay near the heater too long :thumbsup:

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I still think his chest is odd. Or is that how they breed them these days?

Agreed! It honestly looks like a tumour *says like Arnold* It's NOT A TUMOUR. But in all seriousness why is his chest so big? I don't know anything about dobermans and their breeding would anyone like to explain?

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I personally prefer the flatter chests on the dobes, like how they were years ago, alot of dobermanns today have very broad chests :thumbsup: (federico has a bit of a chest but he still looks gorgeous, the ones i am on about are the ones where the chest really protrudes out from the body)

I am unsure why people are breeding broader chests, what is the purpose?

Edited by kyliegirl
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Sorry Nek (don't flame me :thumbsup:) I personally think this guys chest looks not in proportion. Are deep chests bred in the working dogs? Or is it like a mutation. I don't mind a deep chest but not a protruding one.

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