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Hi everyone :confused: ,

Just wanting to ask a question about boxers and the 'cork screw' gene. Are there any problems accociated with this gene and the health of the boxer? A family friend is looking for a puppy and there is a litter due soon with both short tailed and long tailed dogs, will this comprimise the health of the littler in any way? (he is after a long tailed boxer).

Sorry if this is a silly question,

Thanks :hitself:

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No doubt some Boxer person will be a long soon, but AFAIK the short tail Boxer gene isn't a corkscrew tail but a short straight tail. The "corkscrew" tail - called screw tail in most breeds, is a different gene again.

AFAIK there is no health issues associated with the Boxer bob tail gene. SOMETIMES in SOME breeds the screw tail is associated with other issues further up the spine, but again not so far as I know in the Boxer bob tail gene.

It's quite likely Boxers also carry the screw tail gene as most breeds descended from the old bulldog types do.

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