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Is Your Dog Creative?


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I'm trying to nut out whether there's a difference between creativity and a willingness to try new things in dogs. Do you think your dog is creative? How would you judge that? Can dogs even be creative?

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Charlie is... he is always up to learn new things and face new challenges. He is stubborn too, so he will work at it till he gets it. When I first taught him how to play Search... he wouldn't give up till he found every single treat I had hiding around the room. Even if I tell him, that it's over.. he will still have his nose on the ground searching. Teaching him new tricks and doing training with him was always very fun and very easy.

Emmy, being a puppy, everything is new to her. But, I got to get creative training her because she has no attention span and I got to keep things entertaining for her to continue with the training. We are still working things how to find the best method to train her though. She is very clever though. Picks things up first go!

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My Rotty is definitely creative, when she wants something, she will think of new ways to try to get what she wants. I am forever moving things so she can't get to them because just when I think it's out of her reach, I find it on her bed :confused: This morning she was up at the front door playing with the door knob with her paws, obviously wanting to go out for a walk.

She also moves the dog beds around the house sometimes, not sure if that counts as creative or just plain naughty :hitself:

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