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I Am Eating An Ice Cream Sandwich....


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I don't share food deliberately... although I have a dog who is very good at finding chocolate even when it is on high shelves :hitself: Luckily she seems to be fine with it!

However we have often stopped off at a local icecream place (they make their own icecreams :confused: ) after a show and the dogs get one to share between them :hitself:

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My toy poodle has a thing for white chocolate, she is ball obsessed and will leave the ball if she thinks you have a white tim tam....... other wise they all share what we have, that will be changing soon as I get chooks tho lol. I have had her stand on me when i am eating on the lounge (naughty I know) and stare at me, we joke that 'its an old poodle mind trick.........you will give me the food.......' lucky shes small. The other 2 boofas are outside so we can sneak food past them.... :confused:

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He just craned his big fat neck over while I was looking the other way and took a big lick :hitself:

It's not just my dogs that are naughty is it?? What's the last thing your dog did that deserved a slap?? :confused:

My puppy walked up as I was picking my scone off the plate last night and swiped the tongue at it. I don't know if he actually connected but I wasn't wasting a white chocolate and passionfruit scone so I ate it. I figured he's stuck his tongue in my mouth enough times(not by my choice!) that a little bit more doggy germs didn't matter. He knows better.. he promptly ran out of reach so he couldn't get in trouble.

Our other dog raided the rubbish bin yesterday.. he ate something like 6 apples, 2 half packets of dead cheese, half a tub of potato salad, 6 christmas pudding chocs and the plastic they came in... and possibly the lid off the potato salad as that is currently missing. He was a very sooky dog last night.

I don't willingly share meals with them though, at best they may get a crust or something when i've finished.. My auntie does the "one spoon for me, one for you" thing with her dog and I think that's awful!

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Sebbi buried his chicken frame in the basket of clean washing today

He didnt get a smack though

Pandii that is absolutely hilarious. :confused: Unfortunate, but hilarious.

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I got some lovely warnambool butter the other week, left it on the edge of the kitchen bench. Walk back into kitchen 2 minutes later to see just the wrapper hanging from Diesels mouth he had polished off the entire block :rofl:

I think the best was when OH came home on day and walked into the kitchen to see it covered in flour and our Douge de Bordeaux sitting there with a white face like 'what ... oh this? No idea" He had eaten the flour and a box of cupcake mix :laugh: OH had to then try and scrape the dog drool/flour dough off his face and get him clean :shrug:

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lol my mum tapped the dining table when Yuki first went to visit them, i can't remeber why she did it but she got quite a shock when agile as hell Yuki landed on the table right next to her.

Needless to say i whipped her straight off the table in horror. Luckly my parents thought it was very funny and never tapped the table again ;p

Not really a slappable offence, because i guess she thought Mum was calling her up there ;p

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Charlie gets a mini magnum to himself (the boyfriend or I have to eat the chocolate around it first, of course)... every time he comes home from a vet visit... so he knows he doesn't have to try steal food from us. We are lucky we can leave plates and bowls of food around the house and he won't touch it.

Miss Em is a different story... she stole the boyfriend's cookie from him on the weekend. the boyfriend was in the middle of taking a bite, she jumped up and took it away from him. She likes learning rules the hard way :laugh:

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When I was away a couple of months ago Marlin decided to share a chicken carcass she had buried earlier with my OH at about 2 in the morning - on the bed. She got shut outside very quickly. :rofl:

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Sebbi buried his chicken frame in the basket of clean washing today

He didnt get a smack though

Neither did mine, I just stared at him in shock :laugh:

Did you see a look of self-satisfaction on his face? :shrug: 'You may stare...but I got the ice-cream!'

My dogs love ice-cream so much that I find it's the best stuff to hide pills in.

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Erik is a very opportunistic dog. I call him our landshark. Just when you're least expecting it he jumps up and yoinks food right out of your hands. :shrug: Fortunately he really only does it when we're handing out treats for some reason anyway, but of course he gets rewarded every time, doesn't he. Last week he stole a garlic bread off the table when we left it unattended for 2 minutes. That'll learn us.

Aside from that Erik is constantly making his own fun and I rarely approve. :rofl: Last night he got bored and so he opened one of the cupboards in the kitchen and got out a Pyrex lid to chew up. He also snuck off with one of my Doc Martens to chew on, and somehow got hold of his squeaky ball that had been on a shelf somewhere. The night before he produced a piece of used Gladwrap, presumably taken from the kitchen tidy. That was after ripping up a few boxes and some wrapping paper. There is no end to the things he gets into, really.

Kivi is all about used tissues. One time when he was a puppy OH picked him up and cuddled him in bed and Kivi promptly vomits a used tissue onto his arm. :laugh: I still lol at the memory of the look on OH's face.

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Sally checks to make sure I am watching then she stealthily sneaks into the toilet and makes sure she trots past me with a big toilet roll hanging out of her mouth

ETA: I always share food with the dogs, my OH thinks its gross. when we have ice cream its one spoon for me, one spoon for bert, one spoon for me, one spoon for sally :laugh:

:shrug: I do occasionally share food with one of my dogs but not within view of my OH, he also thinks it gross and would

promptly give me a sermon which I can do without. :rofl:

Edited by GardenofEden
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Rommi agreed.

I never share food with my dogs ever. They eat when I'm done or get pieces given to them I don't let them share ice cream or anything like that. Dogs lick their own privates, eat poo, urine etc and we have just put a fresh bag of manure down in the yard...


According to many the saliva of dog's mouth has antiseptic properties. Though scientific evidences have proved that dog saliva can inhibit certain bacterial growth like that of E.coli and certain strains of Streptococcus but there a variety of other bacteria in dog mouth that are found to be quite harmful for both the pet and its owner.

I'd rather be safe than sorry :laugh:

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Riley loves icecream - he gets a icecream cake for his birthday (just so we can eat some :thumbsup: )

My OH was cooking dinner the other night and must of dropped the lid off the fish sauce bottle.

I noticed Riley eating something in his bed, and he obviously liked the taste, and chewed the lid (didn't eat it luckily).

Now we have a fish sauce bottle with glad wrap over the top :thanks:

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OH was eating some chips, with Pepper sitting right next to him, wearing a longing expression and slowly leaning closer and closer to him. She left her chance to strike a little bit late though, and ended up having to dive into OH's mouth to retrieve the chip. Needless to say, he was a bit stunned, and leaning is no longer allowed when we're eating.

Pepper steals tissues too. She waits til you've put it down, then grabs it in her mouth with a look on her face that says "what? I haven't got anything in here", and then if you don't believe her and try to get it out of her mouth, she attempts to gobble it up quickly... more than once I've pulled them out of her throat.

Tissues are not to be left lying around.

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Pepper and Jax a friends lab got into the bathroom bin whilst said friend was at work. (Sorry guys) There was used tampons and pads all over her lounge room and bedroom the lab thought it would be good to bring the pads and tamps into Mummies bed to chew. :thumbsup:

I think I'd prefer the tissues :thanks:

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Daisy stole my sandwich the other day. She had the courtesy of waiting until I left the room first.

Spencer does this. The little bugger will actually get up and escort you out of the room, stand in the doorway for a few seconds to make sure you're really gone, and then rush back into the room to scoff any food you've left within his reach.

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