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Proposed New Victorian Dog Laws Dead Wrong


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Sorry for the late update.. We had our meeting with our MP Bill Tilley on Monday and it went pretty well. Apparently they had a lot of objections to the proposed bill. If enough people keep showing interest there is a chance

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Sorry for the late update.. We had our meeting with our MP Bill Tilley on Monday and it went pretty well. Apparently they had a lot of objections to the proposed bill. If enough people keep showing interest there is a chance

Well done, A&J. I couldn't reach Trisven13 when I rang on Tuesday night (and don't think I had your contact info) so I rang Steve and she mentioned the meeting went well. Good for you for making this effort :laugh: and for taking the time out to not only arrange but to meet with an MP about it :rofl: .

Glad that people have been sending in their objections - their voices need to be heard well. Now it's a matter of whether the Government shows it has 'ears' for the actual people it is appointed to hold office for, or not.

Luke Donnellan MP has emailed me to let me know he's going to seek the reasoning for parts of act as discussed. Not sure quite what that means. I know the Government's reasoning .......... it's just that its reasoning is skewed and off target. I know the reasoning of our current laws (don't agree with much of them either - they were flawed and already proven failed laws in the first place) but they aren't even properly policed and it seems to me that when they are, it's upon the responsible dog owners, not the real offenders for whom these laws were created in the first place. And then of course there's the other law (which has been the subject of much of my attention in the not so distant past) which bans the use of a collar which has never been recorded as having caused harm to dogs. But I will wait for Mr. Donnellan's response.

In the meantime ..... yes, please - write your letters, those who haven't. Even a short letter to let the Government know you're aware of the proposed Bill (which does NOT JUST relate to "dangerous dogs" as defined by law - it relates to ALL and ANY dogs) and that you object to them for all the reasons that they (the Govt) have already been made aware of.

Edited by Erny
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To all Victorians - yep, I sound like a broken record. I'm kinda sorry about that, but hey .... even if one more person reads this and is proactive as a result, then I guess it is worth the risk of me becoming ad-nauseoum (sp? sorry - too tired to check) with the *bumps* and reminders :laugh:.

Proposed legislation is drafted with doggedness (sorry about the choice of word :rofl:) ..., so lobbying to influence it, has to be equally dogged.

Victorian dog owners are fortunate that people are prepared to do this.

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Luke is usually great to deal with (have had a few dealings with him in the past). Hopefully he come in to bat for dog owners....

I agree Casster17. In fact, the few pollies who I have been in contact with (face to face/verbally) are nice.

What they will actually do and how much they'll work to understand what we need and go into bat for us for it, remains to be seen.

Like you, I live in hope.

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Thanks, Mita - your continued support and encouragement is much appreciated by all the people here in Victoria who have been and are demonstrative in pro-active endeavours to stop more erroneous laws compounding the already erroneous (and un-policed) dog laws that we already have in place.

When you get caught up in the many of our senseless and futile and unfair laws, sometimes it is hard to breathe.

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Thanks for the *bumps*. I'm only hoping that people just haven't become bored with seeing it and are therefore ignoring it. If we can get another two or three people to send in their (even very basic, two lined) letters/emails through to the MP's tomorrow, it would be great, as that will prove to Govt that the subject is still very much alive and in our minds, and that we are very much observing the Govt's responses and actions.

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What template was that one, Kateshep? It might have been one that I sent out via NDTF, but I can't see it on the website you've linked me to.

If it gets (polite) letters/emails to the Government and links to either the "GoodforDogs" response (copy/paste is ok if you prefer - depending on the forum rules there) or "LawyersforAnimals" response, then that's fine.

I've done at least two templates, and certainly a few of my own letters, so now I'm getting a bit hazy on which one people are talking about. Perhaps you're referring to the one where I ask a list of questions? If so, that's ok too.

:D The more the merrier.

Numbers. That's what we need.

Come on Victorians. I know we can do it. And if we don't, it shouldn't be for the lack of trying.

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Because, assuming the debate goes ahead this week, getting emails in tomorrow is the best, not to suggest they shouldn't continue through until the Bill has been debated.

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What template was that one, Kateshep? It might have been one that I sent out via NDTF, but I can't see it on the website you've linked me to.

Yes I was thinking of the one via NDTF. It will be worth a try, I will post it :rolleyes:

Thankyou Erny and everyone else who has contributed letters so far :rofl: Keep them coming though !!! :rofl:

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It is one and a half hours until tomorrow (Monday) ..... and the time to write those letters. With the short template suggestion I've given, it won't take too much time for those who don't support the proposed Bill to be able to have their say and know that they were a part of helping to circumvent more erroneous laws being brought into this State.

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I will scout around to see what item we are on the debate list in Parliament, if it wasn't already debated today. I've been out all day, so haven't had a chance to catch up.

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Ok - Seems this proposed Bill is listed for debate tomorrow (Tuesday 8th June) and is the second item on the list, so there's a good chance it will be debated as scheduled, I think.

Anyone else got a letter to email in?

NOW is the time to do it - TONIGHT so that it is sitting in the "inbox" of the MLAs' emails when they open up tomorrow morning.

LAST CHANCE for you to help yourself and your dog. The laws in this Bill, if passed, affect ALL dogs ALL breeds.

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Hi :D A&J, and thank you for that 'tip' Mackiemad. My problem might be that the nature of my job (dog training/behaviour) takes me away from the telephone and being able to ring in, depending on the timing. But I think it would be good to ask questions.

And there is a possibility that there still will be some time. Tracking the Parliamentary agenda for when the debate is likely. Take it as tomorrow, but there may be an update and a change to this.

So please, people, don't quit now. I know this is becoming tedious. I think that might be in part what they could be relying on. Stay alive. ;)

You're doing good :thumbsup:.

But those that haven't - please write. ;)

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