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Looking At 2nd Hand Canon 40d


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I've been watching these on e-bay for the last couple of weeks, but not really sure

on how much they're worth, I know It depends on each camera as some are little more

used than others for example, but just roughly If you were buying one what would your max

price be just to give me some idea. I know I could probably get one of the xxxd new

but I really like the 40d and am disappointed It's being discontinued. :mad

Also where else can one look for these apart from e-bay or papers, or is just limited to those?

Thanks for any advice :hug:

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I just scored a 2nd hand 40d for $600 from e-bay :rofl:

Gawd I hope It ain't a dud, so now I have to save for a lens, which is probably

going to take me forever!

I have a question though I'm looking at the 50mm 1.4 but apart

from the couple of hundred $ difference why do they look different from

DWI compared to Ted's cameras, says their both from Canon :rofl:

Much appreciated

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I just scored a 2nd hand 40d for $600 from e-bay :rofl:

Gawd I hope It ain't a dud, so now I have to save for a lens, which is probably

going to take me forever!

I have a question though I'm looking at the 50mm 1.4 but apart

from the couple of hundred $ difference why do they look different from

DWI compared to Ted's cameras, says their both from Canon :rofl:

Much appreciated

It might just be the photo. Sometimes I see photos of the 50 1.4 and it looks squat and quite different from my lens in real life. If it says 50 1.4 Canon there's only one lens.

There is also the 50 1.8 and the 1.2 and I think maybe the 1.0 and they would all look different.

Get in quick if you're buying from DWI with our $ falling the price is going up up up! I see the camera I bought has already gone up $100 from what I paid.

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Oh ok, Thanks kirislin :rofl:

I'm probably wrong but I've just looked again and It doesn't look like It's the photo to me

here are comparison links:



I know nothing In this department, but Is there an extra bit on the bottom of said lens in the DWI one :rofl:

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Oh ok, Thanks kirislin :rofl:

I'm probably wrong but I've just looked again and It doesn't look like It's the photo to me

here are comparison links:



I know nothing In this department, but Is there an extra bit on the bottom of said lens in the DWI one :rofl:

Nup, it's just the end cap. They do look different, the Ted's one looks like it has silver rings and the DWI looks like it has gold, plus the DWI one gives the impression that it's slightly conical almost but they are the same lens. If I was going to buy on I'd go for the DWI.

stop press, I just noticed this on Teds website. If they could match DWI or come close I would go with Teds because you should be covered my Canons warranty with them.


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so from DWI if you got the lens and mack warranty it would be $517 plus postage which I am not sure of but is probably around $30-40 at a guess which would take it to $547 at least. If Teds could match that I'd go with them, they might even throw in a filter.

aah hang on, Teds might charge postage too, sounds like it's online deals only not in there physical stores.

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