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Heartbreaking Photos


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Today I took this photo of Lincoln, and if he has been looking straight ahead or at me it would have made such an awsome pic for his DOL profile. :laugh:

Anybody else have these heartbreaking failues.

Edited because I forgot the pic.

Edited by valleyCBR
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It's actually not a picture I'd use even if he was looking straight ahead. It's not the best angle. He is also going through a bum-high growth stage (which most of them do) and I'd be doing what I could to hide that in a profile picture that was showcasing the dog.

Get him stacked up and have somebody take a photo of him at his level which shows off his front a little bit.

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It's actually not a picture I'd use even if he was looking straight ahead. It's not the best angle. He is also going through a bum-high growth stage (which most of them do) and I'd be doing what I could to hide that in a profile picture that was showcasing the dog.

Get him stacked up and have somebody take a photo of him at his level which shows off his front a little bit.

You can have 3 pics, so I would ideally like to have one of him not at a show, so people know my dog goes other places ;) .

In my breed the standard states "Topline may have slight hollowness, with the hindquarters level with the withers, or slightly higher." So for a 6mth old to look bum high is fairly normal in the breed as many dogs end up with higher hindquaters the withers.

I change my profile pics once a month at this age because he is changing so much. Once he is fully mature I will keep my profile pics the same.

But I was just frustrated because the next pic is him running off to chase the bird he was staring at and is a blur of motion. :laugh:

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It is such a nice natural shot... Ive had many of these potentially wonderful pics.. but like yours, something usually isnt quite right.. The amount that I have had turn out blurry is frustrating LOL Keep trying, you will get a cracker sooner or later.

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It's actually not a picture I'd use even if he was looking straight ahead. It's not the best angle. He is also going through a bum-high growth stage (which most of them do) and I'd be doing what I could to hide that in a profile picture that was showcasing the dog.

Get him stacked up and have somebody take a photo of him at his level which shows off his front a little bit.

You can have 3 pics, so I would ideally like to have one of him not at a show, so people know my dog goes other places ;) .

In my breed the standard states "Topline may have slight hollowness, with the hindquarters level with the withers, or slightly higher." So for a 6mth old to look bum high is fairly normal in the breed as many dogs end up with higher hindquaters the withers.

I change my profile pics once a month at this age because he is changing so much. Once he is fully mature I will keep my profile pics the same.

But I was just frustrated because the next pic is him running off to chase the bird he was staring at and is a blur of motion. :laugh:

Yeah I had a look at the DOL pages and noticed that many of the adults are bum high - I just hadn't noticed it in the show ring before. Most 6 month old large breed pups will look bum high - I would just try to hide it in a photo because it's not acceptable in most breeds. No need to hide it with your guy though I guess. The photo is pretty out of focus too, or has been taken at low res and zoomed in a lot? Either way I wouldn't see it as a great loss. Keep your camera out and keep snapping him playing. If you don't have a DSLR you may get better action shots by using the fill flash. When profiling a pup or immature dog it's also good to put on the profile "pictures taken at 6 months" so people know that they are looking at an immature or adolescent dog and can make judgements accordingly.

He's a handsome dude though! Good luck in the show ring with him. ;)

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I had to majorly scale down the pic quality to have the file small enough to be an attachment, the original is a bit better. ;)

This is a pic of Chesapeake from the US I found on a breeders website that is what I think is too bum high for a Chessie. :laugh:


Thanks for the compliment. ;)

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I had to majorly scale down the pic quality to have the file small enough to be an attachment, the original is a bit better. :o

This is a pic of Chesapeake from the US I found on a breeders website that is what I think is too bum high for a Chessie. :laugh:


Thanks for the compliment. ;)

Yes - that looks as thought it would interfere with the way he moved. His back legs are three inches too long! (God I hope I'm not insulting someone's Gr Ch). ;)

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I had to majorly scale down the pic quality to have the file small enough to be an attachment, the original is a bit better. :o

This is a pic of Chesapeake from the US I found on a breeders website that is what I think is too bum high for a Chessie. :laugh:


Thanks for the compliment. ;)

Yes - that looks as thought it would interfere with the way he moved. His back legs are three inches too long! (God I hope I'm not insulting someone's Gr Ch). ;)

Nope she ended up just a field dog, so obviously the owner/judge/mentor saw her fault and didn't try titling her. Its a mostly field kennel though they didn't show this bitch or her brother although they are both qualified to all age at field trials.

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People always remember bad photo's & with a minority breed bad photo's stand out big time.

I too wouldnt use it because whilst its a nice candid photo, it isnt a great photo to encourage people to go WOW.

Young dogs we generally do head shots only unless its a nice stacked photo or there hunting birds nothing that can be pre judged

Edited by showdog
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Thanks for the info. It is giving me a lot to think about.

Would this be the sort of candid you consider more appropriate for a pup showdog? Or do you mean something entirely different.

I would sooner post that at his age than a bad stacked shot.It shows his athletic side which is important in the breed

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Thanks for the info. It is giving me a lot to think about.

Would this be the sort of candid you consider more appropriate for a pup showdog? Or do you mean something entirely different.

I think this an exceelent shot to show him doing something in water which is what the breed is all about.

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Thanks for the info. It is giving me a lot to think about.

Would this be the sort of candid you consider more appropriate for a pup showdog? Or do you mean something entirely different.

definately put that shot in !! While I think it is great to have stacked shots to show off the dogs confirmation.. I think shots like this are really great to add in too! Especially on young dogs.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone. I was hesitant about this because the dam water is dirty. :laugh:

:laugh: "the dam water is dirty" :laugh: That made my day :thumbsup:

I like the water photo too :thanks: And I think you need to try for really nice head shot of him :laugh:

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