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Puppies Vacc Too Young, How Long Does The Person Watch Them


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Hi i have a new breeder who is asking me alot of questions and last night the puppies being shar pei, had their eyes tacked at 4 weeks, the vet also vaccinatted them, i have heard of puppies dieing at 6 weeks so am very worried for this litter now, how long does she have to watch them and worry that they might die? Also what symptoms does she have to look out for?

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How bloody stupid to vaccinate at that age, & useless too. The vet knows this.

Not sure in pups but in cats they have been known to have a reaction up to a week later from talking to some breeders I know where this has occurred.

Symptoms are variable, some showing few & then just dropping dead however I would not tell your friend that part.

Shaking, unsteady on legs, the runs, off food, lethargy, anything unusual. That's for kittens but imagine similar for pups.

Hopefully they will be ok. I don't know anyone who has vaccinated at this age.

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i dont either the vet musta had rocks in his/her head.

Ill let the lady know to watch for upto a week. and if anything out of ordinary then goto vet, preferably a diff one.

For anyone who is interested this vet is in aulbury wodonga area.

Edited by Jibba
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There is one vaccination which can now be given at 4 wks with the new protocol. It is intranasal administration and is for Kennel Cough - Nobivac KC. Maybe its worth checking if it were this that was given - if there is alot of KC in the area (and there seems to be a fair bit of it around again this year) then maybe the vet thought that this was a wise choice. Anything else obviously isn't.

As for eye tacking - good lord how long till the RSPCA get hold of this interferring procedure and ban that as well.

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no i didnt think to ask her what they were done with, just immediately thought of the normal vacc.

Puppies having a follow up today i think, or maybe tomorrow, at vets.

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