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Staffy Cross And Itchy Skin


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Hi there,

I have a staffy x amstaff called Lily. She is 5 months old and has been an itchy dog since we got her. She doesn't have mites, :) (checked by vet) flea control is up todate. I have put her on a raw meat diet just over a week ago. I know this can take a month to kick in. She sleeps on a vet bed. She is now scooting on the carpet, because she has a rash underneath her tail, where she keeps nabbing. I am at my wits end......is there anthing else I can do???? Please help :)

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it could be a contact allergy.

you could try the following

- anti histamines (works with my dog)

- bath the sore spots in calundula tea.

- get a cortisone cream from the vet, i got one that has a local anesthetic in it to ease the itching

- make sure there is no ivy or wandering dew in your yard and if there is get rid of it.

- it also might be a grass allergy so maybe keep her off the grass and see if that helps

Edited by Jaxx'sBuddy
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I have a friend who has a dog with the same mix and she was almost ready to put her man to sleep as the itching was so bad. He had no hair left : :)

She tried a product called Thoroughbred Fix. I think she bought the shampoo and cream.

I couldn't believe that it was the same dog :)

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Our Staffy X had the same problem. Unfortunately it could be a number of things.

We first tried her diet and got lucky. Vet advised us to keep her on a strictly roo diet for 8 weeks. She totally stopped scratching.

We then introduced chicken and straight away the scratching came back.

She can now have any other meat except chicken. I believe this is not one of the common problems. I think beef is often the culprit.

It could also be a certain tree or grass in your yard. Its a process of elemination. I would suggest speaking to your vet.

Edited by becandcharch
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Hi there,

I have a staffy x amstaff called Lily. She is 5 months old and has been an itchy dog since we got her. She doesn't have mites, :) (checked by vet) flea control is up todate. I have put her on a raw meat diet just over a week ago. I know this can take a month to kick in. She sleeps on a vet bed. She is now scooting on the carpet, because she has a rash underneath her tail, where she keeps nabbing. I am at my wits end......is there anthing else I can do???? Please help :)

Everything has been covered by the other posts on this thread but have you also checked your garden for plants that can cause a problem. I know someone else mentioned wandering jew etc but some ornamentals that you may have in there are also bad news. A friend had an itch problem for months and one day whilst visiting I saw plants that can cause itch. She removed them and the itching stopped. Just another avenue to look at. Hope you get on top of it.

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Hi Kat, , sounds like my pup.

I have an 8month old Stafford with suspected allergies. Hes been itchy since we got him and progressivly got worse over time. I've tried everything suggested: raw food diet, adding omega oils, apple cider vinegar, weeding the garden yada yada yada.... nothing seemed to be overly helpful. I suggest you take him to your vet and have a chat to them about it.

We got our vet to have a thorough look at our pup when we took him in for desexing at 6 months. Our Vet suspected atopic allergies. I am 99% sure he has an allergy to kykuyu and couch grass, although grass it definitly not the only cause as the itching decreases significnatly but sure isn't 'fixed' when weve kept him off grass. The next steps for us have been to put him on a prescription (available from the Vet only) 'allergen free' diet and if that doesn't 'fix' him we'll be getting skin tests done. Our pup has now been on the prescription diet for four out of the six weeks he needs to be on it. You'll need a referral from your vet to get the skin test done at a dermatologist. Callendula tea wipe downs have been a blessing for us in the meantime.

Staffy's Amstaffs & SBT's) are notorious for allergies and itchy skin BTW.

there are many DOLers on here with allergic pooches who have been managing allergies for much longer than me who I'm sure can give you more advice.

Good luck! :)

Edited by Polgara's Shadow
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Yes, a problem here too.

My 13wk Staffy had a vet visit today (he tore his nail last night) and it was great timing as he had a severe flare-up last night. He belly was red raw, so we got out the NeoCort cream previously prescribed for it, as well as getting antibiotic pills as it had turned into folliculitis (infection down in the hair follicle). The shampoo and conditioner called PyoHex is good for the outside, and the cream and pills will work from the inside.

It's frustrating, I know. We live on acreage, and it's just not practical to confine him to a certain area away from grasses etc. Hope all goes well for your dog. Keep us informed.

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If she's scooting her butt are you sure it's not worms or an anal gland problem?

I have an allergic dog so I feel your pain if it is allergies. Best to get your Vet to send you off to a Derm.

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the meat itself may be the problem...have you considered a vet specific dry food to get rid of the toxins - can take about a month - then you reintroduce one sort of meat at a time and if no reaction then reintroduce into the diet. red meats are notorious for allergies......

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