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Mdba Pacers Non Believer Converted!


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I am another one who is going to join up today.

I actually meant to do it after the Vic bushfires when I saw how amazing they were, but stuff happened and I put if off and then forgot about it.

I also would like to be able to do more to help as well, so hopefully after I join this will be possible.

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being toying around about joining for a long while now... but i joined yesterday too

my boyfriend told me last night how he thinks DOL is an amazing community and how MDBA Pacers are angels!

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I am also going to join, but will need to wait until payday, hate that!

Pacers do a wonderful job as does everyone on DOL. IT is good to know that if it all goes pear shaped there is such a supportive strong crew that will go in and help in the worst of situations.

I am proud to be a DOL member and will soon be a proud PAcers member

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Adding the link to signatures and facebook is another good way of sharing. With the additional crisis of today (another house lost in a fire) more funds and volunteers will be needed. If you rigt click on my signature and go to properties, copy the URL and paste in to the add link area.

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I feel that what has happened with Jed shows the scope that PACERS is capable of providing. That is keeing the animals concerned in a close as possible to normal situation.

Long tern this will benift them, as they are not stressed by being kenneled in a shelter.

The other animals being assissted with the families on hard times is also great. I am sure here the families would be much more down if they were unable to cuddle their animals.

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It is so important.

I know the man who was made a quadriplegic a few weeks ago whose dog is being cared for by one of our carers is incredibly appreciative. His friends have been to visit him and taken him some pics of his dog asleep on the floor in his foster home and it reduced his worry so much.

God forbid we ever need Pacers but it is wonderful to know that it is there if we ever do. It is vital that we do everything within our power to help. :)

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Over time I have seen on the forum here what the PACERS have achieved from the start and been amazed, they fill a big hole as there is no other charity quite like it (to the best of my knowledge), a great effort by all and a great cause.

I found out today though just what it takes to get a charity off the ground from an idea (non dog related in this case, http://www.wombatswish.org.au/ but just like PACERS it was a dedicated soul who saw a need and did something about it), I think it takes a very special person to get the ball rolling so hats off to all those who founded PACERS. Amazing what a few people achieve

Edited by helen
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I didn't actually know what Mdba Pacers was until today when I googled it because everybody on here is talking about it. If I died tomorrow all I would care about is that my dogs are taken care of, ie loved the way that I love them. I have always been worried about this. I am going to join Pacers network now that I know about them :laugh:

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