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Desing My Staffy Pup.


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Hi all i have a 10 week old staffy need some advice i wanna get him desexed because he tries to hump our legs and loves to take little snaps at our hands, im not looking to breed him me and my wife just want a loving family pup we treat him like our little boy, also would it affect him in his growth in anyway eg getting the big staffy head and big chest.

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That's a behaviour problem not a sexual habit. He needs to be trained not to do this. Staffs are very mouthy, my 5 month old humps anything that will let him mount. He also mouths a lot! You need to teach him what is appropriate behaviour and be consistent. Have you thought about Puppy Pre School? Local vets usually run them. :rofl:

He is only going to get worse unless you teach him otherwise, desexing him will not make on difference at his age.

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That's a behaviour problem not a sexual habit. He needs to be trained not to do this. Staffs are very mouthy, my 5 month old humps anything that will let him mount. He also mouths a lot! You need to teach him what is appropriate behaviour and be consistent. Have you thought about Puppy Pre School? Local vets usually run them. :rofl:

He is only going to get worse unless you teach him otherwise, desexing him will not make on difference at his age.

Yes we have we have enrolled in in puppry pre school it starts in a couple of weeks.

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Desexing is not going to fix any unwanted behaviours, training and leadership are.

In a couple of weeks time, he will be too big and boisterous for puppy pre-school. You would be better off enrolling for formal obedience classes and spending the pre-school money on a couple of private lessons, with a qualified trainer to help you on the right track.

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Desexing is not going to fix any unwanted behaviours, training and leadership are.

In a couple of weeks time, he will be too big and boisterous for puppy pre-school. You would be better off enrolling for formal obedience classes and spending the pre-school money on a couple of private lessons, with a qualified trainer to help you on the right track.

hi me and my wife were thinking of taking him to puppy pre school first just to learn the basic then go to a formal obedience school cause i want him to learn more than sit and stay thanks for your help :rofl:

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And to answer your last question - yes neutering him before he is fully mature will IMO stop him developing as a fully masculine Staffordshire Bull Terrier, but that's no excuse for not having him neutered at an appropriate age.

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Three month old Stafford pups are way beyond the puppy pre-school age, they are big enough and smart enough to begin some basic lessons.

Taking a Stafford pup of that age to pre-school, you run more of a risk of over exciting the pup, losing any control that you may have had and developing more bad behaviours, such as jumping on the other pups, pulling on the leash and not playing appropriately.

Cosmolo, I agree that a "good" pre-school could be helpful, but my experience as a breeder sending new pups off, tells me that the majority aren't and it's a puppy free for all.

ETA: the pup should be well on the way to learning to sit, drop, lead and come when called by now. These are the things you should be doing now, rather than waiting for pre-school. Hence why I suggested a couple of private lessons to get you started if you need help.

Edited by SBT123
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I agree with you SBT123- a puppy free for all would not be benficial for this- or any other- puppy. My perception is coloured though because the pre schools i run couldn't be further from a free for all- i know they're not all like mine though. :(

Getting started with a private lesson isn't a bad idea either- is that an option for you louieb?

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I agree that he may be too boisterous for puppy pre school especially when there is off lead time, I believe there was another thread recently with a member and his/her SBT pup having issues with over excitedness. My little pom cross still has aversions to other dogs due to boisterous off lead SBT pups at puppy pre school jumping on her and hurting her. You may well cause more issues than good at PPS and I agree either basic obedience or private tuition will be more beneficial. I refer to staffords as wombats on steroids (affectionately of course :) ) and they need a calm, assertive owner who can put the time into training them from an early age, it is much better to do the ground work at this age than trying to overcome issues in a few months time.

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