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Our Little Man Turned 2 Today


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Thomas, our 2nd Miniature Schnauzer and very much the teddy bear of the house turns 2 today


Whilst we only picked him up 11 months ago from Lesley, his breeder at Kielland, it is as if him and Aubrey have spent their lives together. Thomas came to us as we searched for a friend for Aubrey, and Thomas had unfortunately grown to big to be a show dog and was retired at such an early age.

We knew as soon as we first met him he was the one for us. He is a sook, probably the biggest sook that I've ever seen in a pet, and a complete contrast to Aubrey. Yet they clicked, run around together, play together and sleep next to each other. It was perfect.

Thomas is our little teady bear, cuddling up to you at night and hogging more bed space than you can imagine, and is fantastic at being a dead-weight when you try and move him. He's our little guard dog with his deeper voice and constant awareness, even if he does look troubled or deep in thought most of the time.

So here is to you Mr Thomas... Happy Birthday my little man!



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