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Starting A New Breed Club


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Hello, is there anyone here in SA that has started a breed club and could tell me the rules/guidelines to follow to do so?

i have contacted Dogs SA twice now about it and still no reply. I have been involved with Starting a ALL breed club in the past but that was a LOOOONG time ago...i am interested to start a SINGLE breed club


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if it's anything like WA, it's hard work... but one of our rules is that you need to have the "club" in place at least 12 months prior to applying for affiliation, as well has having a certain number of paying members... try looking on the website for guidelines, or contact DogsSA directly and ask for what you want... they should have the info accessible, so ask them to email it to you.

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Thank you to both of you .

I have contacted Dogs SA about it and they have not got back to me and its probably been about a month now since i email them !!!

i would have thought that the ANKC Would have it on their site just a basic guidline for peopel wishign to get going and know what to do but there isnt anything there either and you cant contact them directly !

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I dont know if its different in SA as opposed to here in NSW, but I can give you a contact email for the people instrumental in starting the Tibetan Terrier Association. They just held their inaugural show at Easter.

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I dont know if its different in SA as opposed to here in NSW, but I can give you a contact email for the people instrumental in starting the Tibetan Terrier Association. They just held their inaugural show at Easter.

Thanks maybe that would be a good idea, i highly doubt it would be too diff otherwise it would be hard for people to show state to state..atleast itll give me some sort of idea

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Maybe ask one of the newer breed clubs that is there already. Bull Arab maybe. And I know cattle dogs have been around forever but not as show dogs - so they might know.

Bull Arab is not an ANKC recognised breed.

Here's a little bit about becoming an affilate. Perhaps the hardest thing in seeking affiliation is operating as a social club for the required amount of time and maintaining the required member numbers and interest


The following rule shall apply equally to Conformation, Obedience, Tracking, Retrieving, Field, Agility, Herding, Flyball, Earthdog and Endurance activities unless otherwise specified. (01/09)


1 To become an approved Affiliate Member an applicant must satisfy Council that it has the necessary expertise,

personnel and, where necessary, equipment to conduct the activity relevant to their application and meets the

requirements as set out in the SACA Constitution. The applicant must also satisfy Council that it has adopted the

Standard Constitution and has a Committee constituted in accordance with the Standard Constitution.

2. In addition, the following will apply;

(a) Clubs shall operate for a two year period as a Social Club before being eligible to be considered for affiliation;

(b) Social Clubs to be listed in the SA Canine Journal;

© any additional rules adopted by Social Clubs shall be consistent with the Standard Constitution and shall not

contradict the SACA Constitution and Rules;

(d) on the formation of a Social Club and prior to affiliation being granted, the Club must, within fourteen days of the inaugural Annual General Meeting, forward to the SACA Office;

(i) names and addresses of Office Bearers and Committee;

(ii) a copy of its Financial Statement signed by an Auditor;

(iii) a list of South Australian financial members;

(e) Conformation only All Breeds Social Clubs are to conduct a minimum of one Sanction Show and/or Members

Competition in any one financial year;

(f) specialist Social Clubs are to conduct a minimum of two Members competitions in any one financial year;

(g) whilst an existing Affiliated Group or Specialist Club, involving the same breeds as that proposed by the applicant, remains an Affiliate Member, no application will be considered for a Group or Specialist Social Club in that breed/s; and

(h) on being granted affiliation, the Affiliate Member may continue to conduct Members Competitions but not Sanction Shows.

ETA: Just read that you now have the info.

Edited by SBT123
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Yeh i think thatll be the biggest issue is keeping the interest and required members for 2 years before comign a club but i guess that shows the ANKC the dedication of the people involved and would become a decent club.

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Might be different for some breeds, but for our current social club it hasn't been hard finding/maintaining the members, only hard finding people willing to be part of the committee who runs it. That is why our breed club folded the first time. We are taking our time before we apply for affiliation because we don't want it to fizzle!

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the problem always seems to be to get people onto a committee and willing to pput in the work to get a club functioning properly.

Yep, although we aren't a breed club this has been our experience too. I wonder if you can have some social days with fun activities to attract more people and interest.

Edited by Kirislin
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I don't know but hope its a poodle club. We had one many years ago here & it was fantastic. The fun days were terrific.

Then it all went haywire & completely fell apart. No one ever started it again.

I was looking at starting it up again when i lived over...

What breed are you looking at starting a club for?

I had all the notes and etc for starting a club in SA but they are all in a box on a pallet in SA waiting for me to et enough money to go over and get it :(

Ring Dogs SA and ask them to send out the details for starting a new club. Besides the poodle club i was also looking into re-opening the Afghan club but there was somethng about memeber numbers etc and blah blah that i couldn't...

But start of with a social club and work from there if you have the numbers etc go for it!!!! and good luck :hug:

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Might be different for some breeds, but for our current social club it hasn't been hard finding/maintaining the members, only hard finding people willing to be part of the committee who runs it. That is why our breed club folded the first time. We are taking our time before we apply for affiliation because we don't want it to fizzle!

ST if you make it a wei and Chessie club I will be half the committee :hug:

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Ring Wolfgang, he will tell you what you need to know. I think you have to start as a social club first and be successfull

It is extremely hard Is there many people in your breed

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