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Gums Bleed When Chewing Bones

Rileys mum

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This might be a really stupid question but I notice that when I give my pup a bone or chew toy there is a small Amt of blood on it. Is this ok or are the bones damaging his mouth. He doesn't stop chewing so it can't be causing him any discomfort at all. He is definately teething ATM so I really wanna help him cut his new teeth, just not if I'm making things worse

Thanks guys :thumbsup:

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Yep, just teething. I have come home on several occasions to blankets with red spots on them from my pup chewing them.

The only thing you have to be careful with when teething is pulling, so no tug or war games... chewing and gnawing are fine though (great even)

A good way to soothe pups sore gums is to make some chicken ice blocks.

I just get a big ice cream container, mix up some chicken stock (not salted) and water and freeze it. Pups love licking it and the ice helps with the pain.

Edited by Shaar
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RM, I had the same problem about a month ago (pup is now 6.5 months old).

We would have blood all over the place (even found it on my bed!) especially when he was having a good chew of his soft toys and would leave them everywhere (teddies got washed a lot!).

We even had teeth on the floor where they would fall out as he was chewing something!

All good now though :)

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I had the same thing yesterday. Our pup is 4 1/2 months old and she kept poking her tongue out, like something was irritating her mouth. When we looked in we found a small amount of blood on the gum and a couple of very wobbly teeth. Lucky my vet nurse friend was here to assure me all was good. I'm giving my girl lots of bones to chew on as well.

Is your bub chewing everything in sight at the moment Riley's Mum? Georgia reminds me of my kids when they were babies and everything went in that drooly mouth. :(

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What if the dog is 9 years old, i have just bought her a new rope and after she has been chewing it I see tiny little smears of blood, she won't let me look properly inside her mouth but as far as I can see there are no cuts or blood on her gums??

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