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Animal Naturopath?


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I was wondering if anyone on DOL has used an animal naturopath and what were your experiences?

What did you see the naturopath for, what were you recommended and what were the outcomes?

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Yes, and still do. Have received a lot of support and have made good improvement. Issues aren't black and white and remain a work in progress. We're in Victoria too.

Edited by Erny
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Yes, and still do. Have received a lot of support and have made good improvement. Issues aren't black and white and remain a work in progress. We're in Victoria too.

She also does Hair Analysis so I presume people from Intersate would be able to do that with Carol.

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Yes, and still do. Have received a lot of support and have made good improvement. Issues aren't black and white and remain a work in progress. We're in Victoria too.

She also does Hair Analysis so I presume people from Intersate would be able to do that with Carol.

I didn't think she did hair analysis ..... I thought it was analysis via saliva that she does?

I had hair analysis done by someone else.

Both interpretations/advice/opinions pointed to the same thing.

ETA: Are we talking about the same person, Wolfgirl? I see Jacqueline at Natural Animal Solutions.

Edited by Erny
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Yes, and still do. Have received a lot of support and have made good improvement. Issues aren't black and white and remain a work in progress. We're in Victoria too.

She also does Hair Analysis so I presume people from Intersate would be able to do that with Carol.

I didn't think she did hair analysis ..... I thought it was analysis via saliva that she does?

I had hair analysis done by someone else.

Both interpretations/advice/opinions pointed to the same thing.

ETA: Are we talking about the same person, Wolfgirl? I see Jacqueline at Natural Animal Solutions.

:laugh: No I knew you were at one stage seeing Carol trhink we talked about it at the Uta Bindels weekend so dumb me who always says to people never assume because you will make an ass out of yourself did that so my apologies for presuming :thumbsup:

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Thanks for your replies.

Are you able to post what your dog is seeing the naturopath for, what treatments they have been given and what the results have been?

Do you see the nauropath in person?

What happened in your initial consult? What did they do?

Also has anyone seen greenpet and what are your experiences with this company?

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My dog had loss of hair and scabs all over her back. The complimentary vet (homeopath/naturopath) assessment was poor immune system linked to o/dosing after her puppy vaccinations (she is a small dog). A long process with change of diet, vitamins, homeopathic drops (and 2 further visits) and she improved dramatically! To this day, her coat looks magnificent. Not sure where you live but this vet is in Perth, WA. and she will do phone consultations. I would recommend her for her love and respect of animals and her thorough knowledge of medical (she is a qualified vet as well) and complimentary medicine.

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Longdog, what's the name of the naturopath you see? We're in Bubury but will travel to Perth to see someone good. I've been recommended to see greenpet but I'd only be able to talk to them via phone & online consulation as they're not in WA.

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Longdog, what's the name of the naturopath you see? We're in Bubury but will travel to Perth to see someone good. I've been recommended to see greenpet but I'd only be able to talk to them via phone & online consulation as they're not in WA.

Oh Aimee, that's a bonus! Her name is Clare Middle and she is in Bibra Lake (http://www.claremiddle.com ) We live in the s/west too and she is very accommodating with long distant clients. I continue to take my "Ruby" for checkups and advice and have a very healthy and happy dog as a result! Hope she can help you too :thumbsup:

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I have used Holistic Animal Medicines, they are in Perth and have a website. My animals have used their products from severe nerve damage, congestive heart failure, broken bones, blindness, stress, seizures etc and have had great results.

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My sister used to work in natural therapies so we have used drops made up by a naturopath for arthritis and epilepsy with great success. I don't have contact with this naturopath now but my vet is now homeopathic so provides things like calendula cream for rashes and nux vomica bole for vomiting. I'm all for trying the natural stuff given that it can hardly be having a placebo affect when our animals don't even know they are getting it.

Taking this a step further we have also used crystals on our dogs. Our best achievement has been using magnetised hematite for an old dog with joint problems and some amethyst to calm a dog who acts like a princess. We just choose small crytals we feel a connection with and use fishing line or fine leather to tie the stones on the insides of their collars. We did put a clear quartz crystal on our youngest staffy and she went beserk. She settled down again after the crystal came off. We have been using crystals for a couple of years and have never had a swallowing incident because we don't let them dangle and attract naughty doggy attention.

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