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Age Gaps Between Puppies/dogs.


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I've been thinking about getting another puppy for a while now (Not until late 2011 +, though). But I'm not too sure with two young dogs at the moment. By the time I'll be seriously looking for a pup, Jess will be 4 y.o+ and Bailey 5 y.o+.

How long did you wait in between dogs to get another?

Would it be a stupid idea to get a 3rd dog with my dog's ages?


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Ideally speaking? IMO, having an age gap of 6 or 7 years is good. The theory is that by the time new pup becomes 2yo, the older dog who was initially in "prime", is now becoming 'aged' (9yo) and potentially more likely to submit to a challenge by the younger dog, if there is to be a serious one.

BUT, this is ONLY rule of thumb and theory - there are so many variants to take into account, including breed of dog and size and individuality. There's no guarantee that the 6 or 7 year age gap will mean there will be no issues, just as there is nothing to say that you might have two dogs closer in age to each other who might never have a tiff between each other in their lifetime.

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IMO it's all about what you can handle as well as the current dog/s... I waited until my first dog was 4 before getting another... and imo i coped fine but he didn't cope that well being that he had been an only dog for 4 years. I got my third dog when my second was just 14 months old... but at 14 months my second was a well behaved dog, and I felt that it'd be fine, and that the younger two could then leave my older one be a little...

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Ok, Thanks! :)

LOL .... you're welcome, although it really was a "hedge your bets non-answer" and I can see it would leave you no wiser than you probably already were before you asked the question.

I agree with SparkyTansy - much also does come back to what you can manage, your leadership etc.

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It's a good question. I am totally hooked on having two dogs close in age. They are BFF. Their "arguments" remind me of slap fights between siblings. They make a lot of noise and push each other but that's about the extent of it.

One day I want to get a third dog (don't tell OH), but I'm kind of confused about it. I definitely don't want to get number 3 and then number 4 a year later like I did with these two, but I kinda want number 3 to have the same shot at canine social bliss as number 1 and 2. :) I think when the time comes I would just get number 3 when it seemed like the right time. Might not be until we're down to 1 dog again (dread the day!). These boys are so attached we've already talked about what we do when (god forbid) one goes. "Get another dog pretty quickly" is the current answer. A friend recently lost her old Collie. Her younger Collie was beside himself and wouldn't eat for a week. She went and got another young Collie right away and he was fine, then.

Sorry, a bit OT.

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I have a 14yo an almost 3yo and a 6mo. I think I will be waiting till I have a 19yo (hopefully) 8yo and 5 and a half year old to get another. This is because I want to reach a place with my younger two boys where I am not having to teach three dogs new things, I will ideally be maintaining the skills they have and be able to focus the real training on the new one in 5 years.

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These boys are so attached we've already talked about what we do when (god forbid) one goes. "Get another dog pretty quickly" is the current answer. A friend recently lost her old Collie. Her younger Collie was beside himself and wouldn't eat for a week. She went and got another young Collie right away and he was fine, then.

That's why my two are so close in age, when Bailey was 9 months old, our Bullmastif, Lily passed away (March '07). Apprently we weren't getting another dog, but Bailey was so depressed that by December we ended up with Jess!

Thanks everyone for your replies! It's got me thinking!

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Yep, like ValleyCBR. It'll be five years before I even think about another dog.

My youngest is eight months and he really requires a lot of work in order for him to be where I want him. So we've got a long training road to go on.

Pups don't stay pups for long, and soon you will have three young adult dogs. I guess it depends on where your priorities lie, and how your lifestyle will support a third.

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My dogs are 10 1/2, 6 1/2, 4. I would like to get another dog in a year or 2 when Kaos is at a higher competition level, and I have ironed out all the kinks in our performance so that I have a better idea how to train up the new competition prospect.

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That's why my two are so close in age, when Bailey was 9 months old, our Bullmastif, Lily passed away (March '07). Apprently we weren't getting another dog, but Bailey was so depressed that by December we ended up with Jess! Thanks everyone for your replies! It's got me thinking!

That often happens for the 2nd dog in the family. Problem is that the 2nd dog is not taught it's ok without another dog being present, so whatever you do, in a multiple dog household family, teach for independence for the dogs' sakes.

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