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Bayer Article


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Hi guys :confused:

A little while there was a thread about a dog (poodle from memory?) who had advantage or advocate applied. He was placed in his crate overnight, and when the owner awoke the next morning he was stuck to his crate. The product had "melted" the plastic and caused him to stick.

Can anyone point me in the direction of this article from Bayer.

Thanks in advnace.

Sir WJ :(

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Slightly OT but

When we got our first dog Charlie, we had him desexed and the vet gave us this bottle of bitterant to apply to the area to stop him licking his wounds. I put some on his belly and then popped the bottle on my bedside table overnight. When I woke in the morning there was a ring of woodstain missing as the "bitterant" mixture had eaten through it.

How the heck are you supposed to apply something so strong to your dogs sensitive stomach and genital area!!!!

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Found it. Linky

That link is scary, particularly the separate article included at the side about the deaths attributed. I was about to put Frontline on the three dogs tonight, just bought it yesterday. Now I'm thinking twice. But what else do you do? It's a fierce chemical if it has that effect. No wonder some dogs hate having it applied.

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Slightly OT but

When we got our first dog Charlie, we had him desexed and the vet gave us this bottle of bitterant to apply to the area to stop him licking his wounds. I put some on his belly and then popped the bottle on my bedside table overnight. When I woke in the morning there was a ring of woodstain missing as the "bitterant" mixture had eaten through it.

How the heck are you supposed to apply something so strong to your dogs sensitive stomach and genital area!!!!

Makes you wonder doesn't it. Must have been the antiseptic in the spray that did it :) Or the alcohol used in the bitter taste :rofl:

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Slightly OT but

When we got our first dog Charlie, we had him desexed and the vet gave us this bottle of bitterant to apply to the area to stop him licking his wounds. I put some on his belly and then popped the bottle on my bedside table overnight. When I woke in the morning there was a ring of woodstain missing as the "bitterant" mixture had eaten through it.

How the heck are you supposed to apply something so strong to your dogs sensitive stomach and genital area!!!!

Makes you wonder doesn't it. Must have been the antiseptic in the spray that did it :thumbsup: Or the alcohol used in the bitter taste :shrug:

It does!!! I actually still have the table because it was brand new when this happened (we'd just built this house and moved in). I should take a photo and post it

I met this woman who used to take some of her horses feed and taste a tiny bit on the tip of her tongue - you can understand why. She did the same with shampoo and stuff :laugh:

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