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Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)


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I've brought in the written standard for the Lithuanian Goat Catching Retriever so we can all study it quietly, and learn about the breed in order to discuss it more knowledgeably with Jed when she wakes up. She's the world authority on that dog, it would be nice if we learned a bit more about it.

Can I please squeeze on the end of a couch?

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Well, I've brought my own collapsible chair with me, cause I see this waiting room is getting very full. But what is really warming is the smiles that everyone is managing to muster now. We all know it is not easy to smile under the circumstances, but with all this support and warm fuzzy feelings, it is a time for healing and smiles are good for healing.

I love canasta, where was that pack? I'll deal if ya like....

cranes neck around to check if doctor is coming yet..... any news on Jed yet doc?

Edited by dyzney
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*takes a seat on the couch*

Chuck on NCIS willya? Ducky is my man :D

Ooh no wait don't bother, this lady in That's Life reckons that her son's best friend's cousin's ghost saved her dog from a housefire! And this lady can only eat McDonalds' fries! Fascinating :laugh:

*one eye on the ICU doors... wonder if my QH swipecard will work... ;) *

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*takes a seat on the couch*

Chuck on NCIS willya? Ducky is my man ;)

Ooh no wait don't bother, this lady in That's Life reckons that her son's best friend's cousin's ghost saved her dog from a housefire! And this lady can only eat McDonalds' fries! Fascinating :laugh:

*one eye on the ICU doors... wonder if my QH swipecard will work... :p *

'scuse me" Fran... I was watching the footy. You stick to your mag. :D

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I am horribly shy but I am sure after a while I will warm up to you guys in the waiting room as I know that we are all here for the same reason - faith in the human spirit and appreciation of Jed's courage

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Move over Newfies, I have just brought two Griffies, a few cavs and a White Shep who is very good at nose art and being white she will just blend into the walls.

Oh goody gumdrops a discussion on the Lithuanian thingy. :laugh: :D ;) :p Jed favourite "new" breed. ;) :rofl: :rofl:

New candle lit today.

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Well the waiting room is a place for all and everything.

A place to wait, and place to smile, a place to have a cry

we can have a joke, or read a book, knit a jumper or or just chat and watch whatever is on the idiot box as we wait for news.

we all have heavy hearts with the waiting,, but creating a warm welcoming place for us to come check on Jed's progress,, the time will go a little quicker,, and really give her something giggle about when she is up to it.

Cappo machine is for all to enjoy..

canasta game under way for those that want to play.. and we can talk about how we feel and that's ok..

Friday night update - Jed remains ventilated and sedated, but there has been some improvement today.

awesome new Toohey...

Edited by ~Harminee~
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Friday night update - Jed remains ventilated and sedated, but there has been some improvement today.


Thanks for the update Toohey. Improvement is fantastic news :laugh:

I havent posted in here yet but I read it everyday & think of Jed often. Im at a loss for what to say.

Keep healing Jed, your babies are in good hands, we will all be waiting to support you when you are ready.

We miss you ;)

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there has been some improvement today.

SO glad toohey stuck her head 'round the door with that snippet :laugh: Thanks!


S'ok.. someone can have my seat for a while - must sleep a bit now .Save me some donuts please ?

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