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Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)


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Some small setbacks today..... Jed is still sedated and being ventilated. No idea at this point when she might be awake.

Please, please keep the candles burning :laugh:

A small blessing, an unhurt cat was found at the house today.

:rofl: Hang in there Jed. If the "power of the people" is any consolation, we're all there behind you.

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Thinking of you Jed, I know you are an incredibly strong person and there is a candle lit here for you with hope and will be lit every night :rofl: Myt houghts to her family and close friends :laugh:

Thank you for the update, great to hear another animal has survived :D

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Like many others, I can't find the right words. I am shocked beyond belief. Jed is one of my favourite DOLers, she has written posts I go back again and again to read.

Thinking of you all the time, Jed.

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oh botheration! I was praying that jeds recovery would be a textbook case of perfection.

Still it is not unusual that the path of recovery from serious injuries can havesome bumps.

hang in there dear jed, the world needs every good guy we can get.


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So, am I right in the understanding that the RSPCA got one cat, and if another has been found, did Jed only have the two? Does that mean both her cats were safe, or were there others? So so glad to hear another of her precious babies are safe.

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Some small setbacks today..... Jed is still sedated and being ventilated. No idea at this point when she might be awake.

Please, please keep the candles burning :laugh:

A small blessing, an unhurt cat was found at the house today.

Thank you for the update Toohey. I wish the news was more positive. Keep fighting Jed. Sending more prayers & positive thoughts. Have also re-lit my candle.

Edited by Georgie-boy
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So pleased to hear her cat was find alive and well :laugh:

Still thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery Jed xxx

ETA I just checked my candle we now have 272 candles lit for Jed .. pretty amazing huh ;) I hope someone shows the candle link to her family, so they can see jsut how highly regarded she is on DOL

Edited by indigirl
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Janes family have requested that Pacers handle all donations for Jed however there are some people who want to donate money to Jane personally which we can understand and she will be in need of funds when she has recovered. It has been suggested that those who wish to do this, to keep everything tidy, can deposit their donation to MDBA Pty Ltd, Account No: 10176490, BSB: 064 418 at any Commonwealth bank with their surname and first initial as identification & For Jed.

May I just mention here that there is at least one bank where, if you're an old-fashioned style person like myself and don't do internet banking, you cannot use letters of the alphabet as a reference. (Eg. Banking to an account via Westpac, you can only use a combination of 4 numerics.) But then I guess an email to MDBA letting them know of your deposit and the reference number combo you used, and date of deposit, would get you around that.

For the REALLY old fashioned people like me, you can walk into a branch of the Commonwealth and make your deposit over the counter and they will put whatever reference you like.

Thanks for the updates Toohey, sorry to hear there have been setbacks, glad to hear that one of her cats has been found unhurt.

Have added my candle, and will keep it lit. Keep fighting Jed, we haven't stopped thinking about you and wishing you strength.

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