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Is It Common For The Price Of Pups To Go Up Depending On Demand?


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I spoke to a breeder recently who said that she wouldn’t have a price on a puppy until the pups were older and whether it was for pet or show the price would be different. She said that breeders that priced all pups the same are breeding for money. Then she said that the price would also depend on demand. That if more people wanted the pups then it might go up $500 more than she said previously because of demand. She asked me what my budget was? I supposed it was to see if I had any idea how much I am looking to spend on the breed in question. Is this common?

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Sounds to me like SHE is the one who is in it for the money, not the other way around.

Many reputable, responsible breeders charge the same for pet or show prospect. Anybody who will charge a different price depending upon demand is IMO trying to capitalise and should be avoided like the plague.

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Well - shoot me! :noidea:

Personally, I won't decide on a price for my pups until I can figure out what quality they are; what sexes and colours I've got and yes, what other breeders are charging atm. This really varies in both my breeds and naturally I want to sell the pups at MARKET value.

If I set a price a lot higher than other breeders then the likelihood of sales is minimised in an already small market. If the price is too low, people might think they're dealing with Woolies! :noidea: If I get a female chocolate puppy - once again, I *can* charge more as the market demand is much higher - it's not like I can actually breed for a chocolate in my breed and if it's already here and I don't need that pup for my own purposes, then why not ask (and get!) a decent price for it? (I've only bred the one choc Hav and she *is* in a show home.) Ditto for particolours which everyone seems to want.

Sorry but I don't see that as being a crime!

I don't have a hard and fast rule about show potential puppies being more expensive - in fact - in some cases, the price has been less as I'd prefer a pup to be in the ring! Limited register pet puppies generally need more back up support, more questions, more grooming advice - how do they join a puppy school, when should I give puppy a bone, puppy has the runs what do I do etc etc.

No, IMO the price shouldn't go up.

The breeder should be looking to place their pups in suitable homes.

Matching pups with suitable homes is of utmost importance but I'm still going to sell pups for the price that I want to. :eek:

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I charge the same and certainly don't breed for the money, if I charged based on the money I spend on the litter and the hours spent caring and socialising for the litter they would cost much more. The way I see it though is that they all cost the same amount to raise the pups and I spend as much time with any of them, and I wouldn't feel comfortable charging more to a person just because they want to show.

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Meant to say as well - while in my circumstances and my rarer breed, it's not uncommon for the market price of a pup to be different, I do think it would be unusual in a more common breed where there is a "set" price in place for that particular breed.

Hope that makes sense? :noidea:

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I have sold a couple of my good puppies slightly cheaper to people who may/may not show,the quality of the home is of more interest to me,but this is my right as a breeder.If a breeder charges more/and gets it-good on them,why should they have to be broke to supply people with puppies? For the love of it doesnt pay the feed bills/vet bills,ongoing husbandry/stud fees/c-sections or anything else that crops up during a year.

I also dont charge anymore for colour-I have several people enquiring about my blanket black boy,and black and tans are more popular than reds,but again,that is my choice,if others do it differently-that is there choice also.

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For me the red flag is not the pricing structure so much as the fact she bagged other breeders' pricing structure and accused them of only being in it for the money. So I agree with those who said "run!" It sounds a little like "look, there goes Elvis!" to me. One thing people with a flat structure with the same price for show and pets are not doing is trying to make money.

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I don't think breeders should charge more for a show quality puppy. There is no guarantee that the puppy will turn out to be a good show dog. Breeders choose puppies on experience and personal preference on what they expect will turn into a good confirmation dog, but they don't know for sure.

I think price is very subjective. I know if I want a certain dog from a certain breeder I would happily pay what the breeder thinks is fair, especially if it has been a planned litter with maybe imported semen and I really wanted those lines. Price comes down to what you personally are willing to pay.

I don't like breeders that bag other breeders prices. If you don't feel comfortable then run a mile.

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I've talked to a few breeders and I reckon about 8 out of 10 them will charge more for a show dog then a pet dog. I thought it was common and normal :)

Also charge more for male then females too.

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Yes this is common also for prices to drop if there is an over supply however way this has been explained to you does not show a good attitude.

It is up to the breeder what they charge & this can be very variable but this does not sound good.

I would be willing to pay more for show/breeding quality than a pet but it is up to the breeder.

I would also charge more for this. My puppies are priced the same for male or female. Due to the fact that mine are desexed before leaving me & that there is an over supply of BYB's, pet shop & puppy farmers I price reasonably in the hope that people will not go to these places & be encouraged to go to a registered breeder.

Agree run a mile from this one.

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seems a bit strange

price should be the same for show or pet, from what i have read previously on here its hard to tell if a pup will be suitable for show at 8 weeks old so in the end shouldnt they be charging for a healthy puppy with good parents (ie genetic conditions not present etc)

i would look else where

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I feel like a gossip now, telling you what she said about other breeders' price structure. I should have left that out. I was more interested to know if it was common for breeders to sell pups at different prices for Show or Pet and up the price depending on how many people wanted those pups at that time.

Thank you for your responses. I will take my time and speak to other breeders. I want to get my baby from someone who I know really cares for the breed. So I get the feeling it’s going to take a while.

Thank you again.

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