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Going To Be Making A Doggie Documentary


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Hey guys,

So for my next assignment at uni we've got to make a documentary on any topic of our choice. Typically I thought I'd like to do something doggie related. :laugh:

So far we were thinking of possibly following a rescue group and documenting what their day involves, interviewing volunteers, telling success stories of rehomed dogs etc.

I was also considering doing something on BSL but i'm not sure if we'd have enough to film for that. Pet shop industry is also another idea but not sure how we'd go about filming in stores etc.

But yeah, I was wondering if anyone had ideas? Also, if there is anyone in Brisbane that would be willing to participate in one way or another (possibly for interviews etc.), please let me know. :rofl:

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I'd suggest a week in the pound, people are simply unaware of what happens when they surrender their dogs to the pound. They often think they'll "find a nice new home", their toothless, hairless, 12 year old dog on its last legs.

Thanks for the suggestion. :laugh:

Would pounds actually allow us to film in there though? That'd be the only issue.

Edited by Jimmay
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How about something on registered purebred dogs? There are heaps of topics, conformation shows, junior handlers, obedience, flyball, agility, earth dog --- you could show dogs doing different things, and speak to their owners and the judges at competitions, and owners at home. Show pups growing, getting ready for some competition, speak to owners and breeders.

there's enough there for a hit series on Ch 7, if only someone would do it.

Just an idea which is close to my heart. Uplifting and fun.

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How about a Doco. on dogs changed role in society?

Increasing time demands on families, legislation and lack of education is leading to fewer dogs seen in society...which leads to lack of education,more complaints,more legislation and fewer dogs in society.

I think the need for education on dogs in school cirriculum(safety and behaviour around dogs,legislation, empathy/behaviour and welfare)is imperative to avoid the problems escalating to more of th same.

Should be some great footage from the not so long ago when dogs were taken for granted in large numbers sharing kids fun times.

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Any parameters of the documentary within the assingment ? Any specifics you've been given ? Duration ? Shooting schedule / due date ?

These questions- and others -should help define what you should do.

Part of the assignment / challenge will be getting permissions. If you are able to present a professional synopsis and treatment to the pound, but a guarantee that it will not actually air anywhere, you might be a chance. I would start making preliminary contact with some of the types of places you might want to utilise. You can always say thanks but no thanks. Getting those first points of contact right, and the correct authority can be time consuming.

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