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Need To Exercise My Puppy!


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Ideas anyone? Pretty please!

My 5 month old black Labrador puppy Riddick needs to get some exercise this afternoon, but I've hurt my back and I'm confined to a laying down position. Not supposed to walk or move around. I can probably get away with sitting for a little while (but don't tell my physio :D)

Mums taking out our other dog Rover (who is really her dog) to the dog park, which is fine, but I don't trust her to pay attention to Riddick (she gets very distracted and chats to people. Doesn't pay attention to dog.)

So far I've got throwing squeaky toys around. But Riddick will get bored with just fetching toys back and forth.

Maybe I could do some obedience work. Clicker training that doesn't require me to move around?

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You are very dedicated!

I don't have any suggestions really, just wanted to say I hope your back feels better soon!

Can Riddick "speak"? You could try to teach that without moving!

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Play hide and seek with food around yourself (under your legs, arms, in your clothes) - if he's relatively gentle that is :D

Tie something in a knot and let him try to pick it apart.

Can you lay on the floor? Train him to jump over your leg.

Got a spare cardboard box or some envelopes, fill with food and let him tear apart

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You are very dedicated!

I don't have any suggestions really, just wanted to say I hope your back feels better soon!

Can Riddick "speak"? You could try to teach that without moving!

:D Thanks

Dedicated and also don't want to deal with a fidgety labrador puppy tonight!

Play hide and seek with food around yourself (under your legs, arms, in your clothes) - if he's relatively gentle that is ;)

Tie something in a knot and let him try to pick it apart.

Can you lay on the floor? Train him to jump over your leg.

Got a spare cardboard box or some envelopes, fill with food and let him tear apart

Oo good ideas! Thanks :rofl:

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Ouch.. i hope you get better soon.

Do you have to lay on your back or your tummy?

Can you hire a dog walker?

Have to lay on my left side. I don't have the money to hire someone unfortunately. But might have a friend who could come around and help me out with running him around the backyard. Thats a idea :D!

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Get well soon. When I got Penny whippet as a puppy I was confined to a wheel chair so had a similar problem. I resorted to throwing dry food, one peice at a time all around the house. Penny loved it, she got very excited and would dash about chasing the food. She still loves that game. :D

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More suggestions anyone? :laugh: Thanks for starting this topic as I'm having knee surgery tomorrow so I am wondering how to keep a 5 month old Aussie entertained for a few weeks. OH will walk her but he won't train her, and that's what she needs.

Any cool tricks to teach with the clicker, not involving standing/walking?

Keep 'em coming :rofl:

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I had a couple of cortisone injections into the facet joint to try and fix chronic back pain a few years back. Could barely walk for weeks afterwards and had a young, very hyper Dalmatian puppy who wouldn't recall off lead for Mr TSD. For the most part I did LOTS of clicker training and shaping....once I could sit in a chair for a few minutes I practiced straight "fronts" for obedience trialling. To this day he does a beautiful formal recall based on that training. Hide and seek with toys is another great one. When I was able to get in the car, Mr TSD drove us to the beach so Ziggy could have a good gallop. He managed on-lead walks in between times. Worked a treat :laugh:

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Where do you live LMS ? Sorry to hear your back is no good.

I live in the northern beaches :noidea:

Oh, :noidea: that's a little bit far from Blacktown for me to come take him for a walk.

How long are you laid up for ?

One little training exercise is a simple focus exercise where you either call his name or choose a command 'look', 'watch', 'focus' or something like that. This is cut and pasted from the web, but it's this kind of thing.

Watch your dog's eyes. Whenever your dog looks at you, click or say your marker word, and give your dog a treat. Don't do anything special to get your dog's attention - just wait for it and capture it. Do this throughout the day.In addition to noticing your dog's attention to you throughout the day, do some rapid rounds of rewarding eye contact. For one minute, click or mark and treat every time your dog looks at you - as many times as you possibly can in one minute. Repeat this a few times. Now play "The Eye Contact Game": hold some treats in your hand and hold your hand out to one side. Don't say anything to get your dog's attention; just wait patiently while your dog stares at the treats to tries to get them (just hold your hand closed). The moment the dog tears his eyes off of the hand with the treats and looks at your face instead, click and treat!

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These games are really meant for dogs recovering from injury but could well be useful in your case.


They are all gentle games that can be played indoors and hopefully won't put any strain on you but may tire your puppy out. I've found with my Kelpies if I give them lots of thinking exercises, they don't need as much physical exercise.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

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Where do you live LMS ? Sorry to hear your back is no good.

I live in the northern beaches :thumbsup:

Oh, :thumbsup: that's a little bit far from Blacktown for me to come take him for a walk.

How long are you laid up for ?

One little training exercise is a simple focus exercise where you either call his name or choose a command 'look', 'watch', 'focus' or something like that. This is cut and pasted from the web, but it's this kind of thing.

Watch your dog's eyes. Whenever your dog looks at you, click or say your marker word, and give your dog a treat. Don't do anything special to get your dog's attention - just wait for it and capture it. Do this throughout the day.In addition to noticing your dog's attention to you throughout the day, do some rapid rounds of rewarding eye contact. For one minute, click or mark and treat every time your dog looks at you - as many times as you possibly can in one minute. Repeat this a few times. Now play "The Eye Contact Game": hold some treats in your hand and hold your hand out to one side. Don't say anything to get your dog's attention; just wait patiently while your dog stares at the treats to tries to get them (just hold your hand closed). The moment the dog tears his eyes off of the hand with the treats and looks at your face instead, click and treat!

Thanks for that :p!

Yes a little bit far for you. Im not sure how long I'll be laid up for! After physio today I am allowed to walk for 10 or so minutes at a time, but no sitting if I can help it! I'm hoping after a few days it will be well enough for me to go out and about.

I have a Stafford the same age who could do with a Labrador hammering but I'm working today.

Hope your back is feeling better soon!

I pmed you! If you feel like bring your staffy over to molest my lab for a while, feel free :thumbsup:

These games are really meant for dogs recovering from injury but could well be useful in your case.


They are all gentle games that can be played indoors and hopefully won't put any strain on you but may tire your puppy out. I've found with my Kelpies if I give them lots of thinking exercises, they don't need as much physical exercise.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Thanks for these! I will read through them now :cry:

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