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Dog In Fraser Coast Pound


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Ok, I think I am having a senior moment here but I have wracked my brains and I can't figure out what a moodle is :laugh: ...obviously a poodle/something or maybe a typo (tho' the 'p' and the 'm' are a fair way away from each other on the keyboard).

Poor dog looks so confused, I hope someone gives him a home soon.


edited to include the link to the Fraser Coast Pound (another senior moment!)

Edited by Boronia
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Thanks Nekhbet, I didn't think he was that as he seemed bigger and kinda didn't look as tho' he had Maltese in him that's why it had me stumped!, I was thinking of a bigger dog starting with 'M', perhaps he is malt X Standard Poodle...the mind boggles, let's not go there :laugh:

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Ok, I think I am having a senior moment here but I have wracked my brains and I can't figure out what a moodle is :clap: ...obviously a poodle/something or maybe a typo (tho' the 'p' and the 'm' are a fair way away from each other on the keyboard).

Poor dog looks so confused, I hope someone gives him a home soon.


edited to include the link to the Fraser Coast Pound (another senior moment!)

Does the Fraser Coast pound sell unclaimed dogs to the public? I know that Bundaberg pound won't :clap:

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Yes, youu can get unclaimed animals from the pound, a friend of mine has homed 5 themselves the last few years, 2 rotties and the others were bitzas. Thye rehome cats etc. too and they usually put the animlas in the local free paper to 'jog' peoples memories if they've lost a pet :D ;) to come and get them, or else they are up fro adoption.

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who knows these days .. not the most handsome of dogs though is he!

He most certainly isn't handsome Nekhbet, I kinda liked him though, he looked as if he needs a BIG cuddle and a bone to chew on to cheer him up :)

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