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The Effectiveness Of Using A Rolled Up Newspaper


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I saw this on anther forum I visit and thought others here might like it;

A rolled up newspaper can be an effective pet training tool when used properly.

For instance, use the rolled-up newspaper if your dog chews up something inappropriate or has a housebreaking accident. Bring the dog over to the destroyed object (or mess), then take the rolled-up newspaper and hit yourself over the head as you repeat the phrase, "I forgot to watch my dog! I forgot to watch my dog!"


Just a little giggle for the day.

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:thumbsup: - I have this in our puppy book, for a bit of a giggle - I know which people have gone home and dutifully read their puppy book from cover to cover as they are the ones who email me or text me with Ha ! Ha's ! - but also tell me how shocked they were that I would suggest such a thing - then they read the next bit :rofl:.
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I saw this on anther forum I visit and thought others here might like it;

A rolled up newspaper can be an effective pet training tool when used properly.

For instance, use the rolled-up newspaper if your dog chews up something inappropriate or has a housebreaking accident. Bring the dog over to the destroyed object (or mess), then take the rolled-up newspaper and hit yourself over the head as you repeat the phrase, "I forgot to watch my dog! I forgot to watch my dog!"


Just a little giggle for the day.

:thumbsup: Loved it :)

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I saw this on anther forum I visit and thought others here might like it;

A rolled up newspaper can be an effective pet training tool when used properly.

For instance, use the rolled-up newspaper if your dog chews up something inappropriate or has a housebreaking accident. Bring the dog over to the destroyed object (or mess), then take the rolled-up newspaper and hit yourself over the head as you repeat the phrase, "I forgot to watch my dog! I forgot to watch my dog!"


Just a little giggle for the day.

:rofl::) :)

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Actually , when training Guide Dogs- I used a rolled up newspaper on quite a few occasions!

Some youngsters would NOT focus ... they were just 'walking' - not 'working'... but get them carrying a rolled up newspaper ,and it made all the difference ! All of a sudden, they were 'working'! :thumbsup: The difference in their carriage/concentration was instant...Rolled up newspaper= a very handy thing!

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Guest belgian.blue
Actually , when training Guide Dogs- I used a rolled up newspaper on quite a few occasions!

Some youngsters would NOT focus ... they were just 'walking' - not 'working'... but get them carrying a rolled up newspaper ,and it made all the difference ! All of a sudden, they were 'working'! :rofl: The difference in their carriage/concentration was instant...Rolled up newspaper= a very handy thing!

My Pointer puppy loves carrying things and my previous Pointer used to carry anything light I had home, all the way home in her mouth without dropping it. Normally the Quokka newspaper every Thursday. It would get a little wet but she did her best to not drool too much :thumbsup:

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My OH gets very upset when Leila digs/chews something she shouldnt/pulls the BBQ cover off or rips it/pulls washing off the line etc. I have now trained him to yell at the hole/bbq cover/washing line etc so he doesnt yell at Leila. It is so funny to watch and it makes him feel much better for it! :thumbsup:

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Good use of the newspaper!! I found a dog training book some 30 years old in a second hand book shop the other week and the rolled up newspaper seemed to feature frequently on quite a few pages as a "training" aid. :thumbsup:

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They are great. When mine won't stop barking on the odd occasion they see something that over excites them & won't obey my quiet I reach for the rolled newspaper.

They stop instantly & look on in sheer terror

as I hit my hand or the wall with it :D really.

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They are great. When mine won't stop barking on the odd occasion they see something that over excites them & won't obey my quiet I reach for the rolled newspaper.

They stop instantly & look on in sheer terror

as I hit my hand or the wall with it :D really.

I have had a rolled up newspaper for years - all taped up so it doesn't fall apart. As you do, Christina, I only show it to them ...... dead quiet.

On some occasions when whatever it is they are barking at is just too exciting, I will bang it on the deck railing or that wall.


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My father's training tool of choice was the rolled up newspaper. He used to teach the "shut up and p*ss off" command with it, and when the rolled up newspaper came out, there would be dogs skidding all over the lino to take cover :laugh: I wonder if that contributed to our old dog wanting to bite the paper boy???. He hated the paper boy more than the postman I remember :laugh:

Edited by Black Bronson
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