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Cut In Nail Bed (?)


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A few weeks ago Lincoln came into the house with a bloody foot and as I was cleaning it I noticed a cut below his nail. I thought it was healed but I have noticed that the nail seems larger and is hanging at a different angle then the others and he is slightly favouring the other foreleg as well. He is a bit senstive to me handling that foot and it looks as if it has been bleeding again.

I am going to the vet for my older girl on Wednesday so I was thinking of booking him in too but I wanted to know if anyone else has had a dog that cut the nail bed and what the outcome was?

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Would waiting till Wednesday to take him to the vet be cruel the vet probabl would only put him on antibiotics which he dosen't need right now? I am cleaning it with salt water an spraying an antiseptic on it (specially designed for animals one) and it is not hot.

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I am sure waiting another day is not going to make to much of a difference. At worst an infection may start to set in which can be treated with Anti's, but as you are going on the Wednesday with the other dog I see your point of wanting to wait.

We have had many nail injuries situtions here and all have been treated at home with no complications.

Just keep an eye on it and keep doing what you are doing at this stage until you get to the Vet.

Edited by Stolzseinrotts
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Have him booked in for tomorow. He tripped when playing this afternoon and it started to bleed all over again. I am thinking maybe he has damaged whatever holds the nail tight so he keeps knocking it and reopening the wound(?)

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